Page 237 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 237
After compliments,—
I was honoured with your friendly letter together with one from the
Governor, in good time and am greatly rejoiced to hear of your welfare for the
bettor cultivation of our Friendship.
When you and I was mot we had talkod about your settling an English coTSwtUe*t' *
Sarkar Factory in this Port of Bushirc and wo both did thon writo about it to Bushire.
the Governor who was pleased to writo me a letter in answer thereto, saying
that it was necessary for him to know what sort of an Agreement I would make
and what immunitys I would grant; which I should inform him, and that he
had left this business to you, and you would send a man to me to know my
offers or agreement, but Sir, this is a long time since I havo seen your man. I
did writo an answer to the Governor of this purport, viz., that the Agreement
is this, that tho English Sarkar’s goods are freed from this Government’s
customs, and no body here would have anything to do with their goods. That
this port of Bushire they might take to be theirs, and is in no shape stranger
to them. Further more that this Port and Eran, has a concurrence goods are
always coming from Eran to this place and going from this place to Eran.
Several sorts of the goods that go to Bussorah are always purchased by the
Eran Merchants and carryed to Eran thro’ Bushire it being their road for
their coming and going. Please God when you have a Factory here, you will
be convinced that it turns to your great advantage. I now send enclosed
herein a letter to the Governor, which I desire you will please to forward to
him, and write him what you may think moat proper on the subject.
Believe me we are fast friends and such you will always let me know your
welfare, and lay any of your Commands this way on me, that our Friendship :
may be more and more fast.
CXXI. :!
Alex. Douglas to the Presidency.
Hon’ble 8ir and Sirs,
My last respects was under the 11th September via Muscat, and the Gombroon, L.
Nanoy Snow calling in here gives me an opportunity of sending sundryfrom*
AccoJL.. Books and papers as P List of the Packet. 1
Your Honor, etc., was advised in my last of the situation (of the Hon’ble 1
Company’s Affairs at Bussorah on the death of the late Resident, and in the
Diary page 182 you will please to observe, what the Provisional Resident since
that time wrote hither on the subject enclosed goes two accoJ_. currents between
the Hon’ble Company, and Mr. James Stuart drawn out at different times by
Messrs. Garden and Lyster and the enclosed Bussorah calculate of quick stook
Bhows what he stands indebted the 10th ultimo the accompanying Bussorah
cash accounts likewise shews what has been rece’d since his death.
By AccoJlb. from Bussorah it appears no money has been reoe’d on
account Messrs. Shaw & Garden their Debt to the Hon’ble Company.
For some time past wo have heard nothing material regarding Carcm
Caun, he is said to be before Roumia where he has besieged Fatally Oaun.