Page 242 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 242


                                      Lieut. Dunfoud to Alexander Douglas.

                           Agreablo to your orders I bogan to bombard tho Persian Fort on (he 4th
            Pombardmant of   instant in tho morning. On heaving the first shell the coin split in two which
           tbo Portion Fort.  rendorcd tho Mortar usoloss till thoro was another mado which took  np a con-
                       sidorablo timo in making together with the shattered condition tho bed was in
                       only by heaving twenty shells tho wood and iron work all giving way, in short tho
                       wholo is in so bad a condition that it was impossible to perform with any  exaot-
                       ness or hopes of success but os tho servico required still to continue tho bom­
                       bardment every means possible was used by lashing tho Mortar to the bed in
                       order to secure ourselves from being wounded by splinters that flew from th
                       bed, tho Trunnel plates Cap Squares and one of the bolts that goes through tho
                       Bed aro all broke and tho bed rendered entirely useless for further service.
                                                                    I am,
                                                             Tour most humble servant,
                                                            THOMAS DUNFORD, Lt.,
                                                                  Fire Worker.
                          16th March 1763.

                       Extract * of a letter from Commistion & Instructions to Mr. JFilliam Andrew Price, Provi-
                                      sional Agent of Persia, dated 22 January 1763.
                          The conduct of Mr. "William Shaw, late Resident at Bussorah, having
                      rendered it necessary to order an Enquiry into the situation of our Hon’ble
           stow and G^rdtn.i Masters’ affairs there to be set on Foot, a Committee of the Board was ap­
                      pointed for this purpose, under the 13,h February 1761, and in consequence of
                      their Report laid before us the 27 ,h of the same month, wo deemed Ml_
                       Shaw so highly culpable in the detention of the Drake and Swallow contrary
                       to our express orders, that we resolved to remove him immediately, from the
                      management of affairs there, and appointed MJL James Stuart, to be his successor
                      therein, but as our Hon’ble Masters had severely censured MJL Shaw’s
                      conduct, in respect to the transmitting Overland Advices, and ordered an
                      enquiry to be made into the cause of their miscarriage, which as well as the
                       necessity of his journey to Bagdad, could only be properly done upon the spot,
                      we ordered M.I Alexander Douglas to proceed to Bussorah, to make the
                       necessary Enquiry into these points, and to acquaint us with the result;
                      MessiL Douglas and Stuart accordingly proceeded to and arrived at Bussorah
                         Note.—On (he 21st July 1762, James Stuart who had been placed by Alex. Douglas in tho month of
                      Ostobrr preceding in temporary charge of the Bassora Residency, died snddenly ; On receiving intelligence of
                      thi* event. Alex. Douglas on the 11th Augast .1762, sent Dymock Lyster, ono of the Council of the Factory
                      of Gombroon, to Btusora, with instructions to conduct the management of the Company's affairs at that place
                      until a aucceiaor to Jamoa Stuart had been appointed by the Bombay Government; On receiving this intelli­
                      gence Government appointed William Andrew Price, then in Bombay, “ Provisional Agent of Persia " and
                      directed him to proceed forthwith to Busaorab. Orders wore at the uamo timo issued for tho romovol of the
                      Gombroon Faotory to Busaorab.
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