Page 247 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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made hero the people in Government are devoid of all Pomp and Parade it
will be entirely unnecessary in yourself.
You must be careful to procuro a list of all woollens propor for the
different parts of Persia together with the annual consumption which you are
to transmit to the Agent and Council as opportunities offer with your monthly
accounts. Quick Stock remains in "Warehouse and Account of Goods wanted
with such advices as may appear necessary.
Stephen ICermit the late Linguist at Gombroon being a proper person to
bo omployed in the same capacity here you are to entertain him accordingly
bis allownces must bo left to be sottled by the Govornour and Council of
I have been informed that the Russians import into the Northern Parts
of Persia a sort of Medleys which are much esteemed : it will be of service to
the Ilonble Companys if you can procure Musters of these Goods whioh I am
led to think you may hy means of the Linguist connections at Ispahaun.
The Shaik having applied to mo that an account of all goods bought
or sold by the English may be rendored to him in order for his levying the
customs on. the Persian merchants, you are to take care that this is duly
complied with not only as an act of Justice to the Government but to prevent
all room for complaint or suspicion.
I have directed the Linguist at Carmenia to send the Carmenia Wool in
readiness directly to Bushire. You are to receive it according taking an exact
account of the weight upon its arrival, I have also directed the Linguist to
put a total stop to any more expenses on aoct the H° Company.
Inclosed is Copy of an account of damaged Broad Cloth Long Ells and
Shalloons shipped on the Prince of Wales Drake Ketch and Tartar Snow for
your guidance in delivering any of those sortments.
The Country from this place to Ispahan being entirely under the Com
mand of Oarem Caun whom it is generally allowed governs with great justice
and moderation gives us good hopes of success which I heartily wish you and
Y our most humble servant,
Bo&hirb ;
20lh April 1763.
Recc'd 12th July per lively.
William Andrew Price to tbe Presidency.
Hon’ble Sir and Sirs,
I paid my address to your Honour eto.* last the 6th instant Duplicate of Bushin, Letter
which is enclosed, next day Shaik Saddoon’s son coming on board the Tartar from‘
to invite mo on shore I accompanied him accordingly being treated with great
politeness and oivility he acquainted mo it was the earnest desire of his father
that the Honble Company should establish a Eaotory at Bushire, that the
English might dopend upon being sooure in their persons and effeots, that he
the 6on was invested with full authority to settle everything with me taking
• Shoikh Saddoon was brother of Shoikh Nasir of Bushire, and should bo distinguished for 8adpo or S&dak
Ehan brother of Karim Khan.