Page 252 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 252
. other ohargos amount to only 113,059-1-9 account of which goes enclosed. Sadoo
Caun ia vory desirous that the Hon’blo Company should always have a guard.
6hip stationed hero, for the expense of which ho has agreed to allow to tho
amount of 22,000 Its. annually and for tho payment of which lio will'giro
assignments on the Customs on other revenues of this Port, I am therefore to
request your Worship will give mo directions what answer I shall return to tho
Caun on this subject.
I Jim, etc.,
Businas ;
August 17th, 17G3.
Andrew Price to the Hon'blf. Ciiarles Cromuelin,
President and Governor in Council, Bombay.
* * *
In my address from Bushire 1 enclosed your Honour, eto., a oopy of the
Renewal of the
priJiieJeiTyB.duk agreement I had entered into with Shaikh Sadoon but as I found he was only
Kb an brother of a servant of Sadoo Caun, the Governor of Shyrasb, I directed Mr. Jervis to
Karim Khan, who
coadnoa them. apply to him for a confirmation thereof that the articles might be more full
and extensive for which purpose I wrote him and he expressing a desire that
an European might be sent him. Mr. Jervis not thinking proper to disoblige
him, despatched Mr, Dumford with the Linguist I have now the pleasure to
acquaint your Honour that Sadoo Cauu
pag«S33 A,lclli<en,‘ Treallfl (1893)* v°l* x» has given a new j grant by which our
trade in the Kingdon of Persia is settled
in a very advantageous manner. It is sent to Carem Caun for his confirmation
which I do not the least doubt of. Nothing now remains to socure our trade on
a solid footing but the reduction of Meer Mahanna, Governor of Bandareek,
who having it in his power to stop the caravans coming from Sbyrash or at
least greatly to intimedate then. The Persians, some months ago, sent an
army against him the Shaikh of Bushire being ordered to join them but as it's
said he has private intelligence with Meer Mahanna who having also his port
open the Persians have hitherto been able to do little of consequence. The
Governor of Sbyrash therefore wrote to me to desire we would assist him with
our vessils from the Sea and at the same time sent one of his principal men to
Mr. Jerrvis to settle the terms I having previously agreed with the Caun to give
us Rs. 22,000 annually for maintain in a Guard Vessel at Bushire in case of
your Honour, etc., should approve it.
t *
I am, eto.,