Page 255 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 255
Extract from despatch of the Court of Directors to the Bombay Government, dated the 8th
November 1764.
M-r- William Shaw liavin" loft Bussorah without any leave from hi8 Ordering dismiwl
superiors at Bombay, and notwithstanding it appears he has been at Aleppo u»nif*r olToardan
for a considerable time past, ho bas not thought fit to write one line to inform 10 the Prc8ldenc7-
us of his motives for so doing, or indeed to give us any account of his proceed
ings, we have thought proper to dismiss him from the Company’s service.
You are, therefore, in case of his being at Bussorah, to signify the same to him,
and at the same time to acquaint him wo require his return to England forth
with, to answer for his conduct in general, which has been very unsatisfactory
to the Court. As M— Robert Garden was joined with Mi. Shaw in the
management of the Company’s affairs at Bussorah, we do not think it is proper
he should continue there any longer, he is therefore to return to Bombay by
the first proper conveyance that offers.*’
Public Department, Diary No. 42/1764.
Bombay Castle, 24th January 1764.
That to the Resident at Bushire advised that we had laden* on the Drake Bu*hir«. Letter to
Ketoh 20 Bales of Cloth 43 of Perpets and some stores amounting altogetherBSroReaidonoj
to R9. 44,981-3-43 which he was to land with the utmost expedition, and then
direct the Commander to make the best of his way to Bussorah. We enclosed
some remarks made by the Committee of Accounts on those received from him
for his guidance in future and those passed on the Bussorah Books which he
framed, would no doubt bo communicated to him from thence, and as we have
appointed a person well versed in Accounts to the assistance of that settlement^
we confirmed him in that Residency under the Agent and Council, thro* whom
all orders to and papers and Accounts from him were to pass, tho* he was to
embrace every direct conveyance of forwarding them to us and when none Of
the Honble Company’s Cruizers offered, for making returns, we permitted of
his freighting to the amount of 50,000 Rupees on any good Country ship bound
hither or to Surat.
Publio Dept. Diary No. 42 of 1764.
Bombay Castle, 3rd April 1764.
At a Consultation present:
The Hon’ble Charles Crommelin, Esq., President and Goer.
The VV. William Andeew Price, . Charles Waters.
Esqre., Peter Elwin Wrench •
John Gouin, Major. Cecil Bowyer.
George England, Supdt.