Page 258 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 258
Bill of provisions supplied to some Sepoys from Gombroon amounting to
Rupees 112 ORDERED that the same bo discharged.
I ( » ) W. A. PRICE.
Publio Department Diary, No. 43/1704.
Bombay Castle, 8th October 1764.
Bashire, L. from Dated the 27th August advised that since the departure of the Drake
Ketch his sales had been very trifling and be found that not having in
warehouse a proper sortment of Perpets was the principal cause of it. That
there were two or three Oora9oon merchants in town who wanted to purchase
3 to a considerable amount, but on his informing him thero were no scarlet
perpets in wbarehouse they acquainted him they bad rather remain there
until a supply came from hence and that they offered to take all the green and
blue Perpets at 20 Rupees 'per piece provided he would sell them separately,
but that being a measure disapproved by the Agent and Council at Bussorah
he had deolined the same. That a principal Oorazoon merchant of Yeidz who
was last season down there had wrote he should be there again about December
of January earnestly requesting he would apply to us for good 6ortment of
Perpets, those being now in demand here. He therefore transmitted an indent
for such artioles he judged would be required there for the winter season and
requested we would supply him also with some stationary and medicines. He
acquainted us that Carem Caun had confirmed his Brothers Grants, and as he
declared he would himself absolutely be down there against Meer Mabanna in
November or December, be had earnestly requested we would assist him with
a vessel or two to prevent the rebel from escaping him in gallivats by the
sea and in consideration of such assistance declared he was willing to assign the
Honble Company the annual sum of 40,000 Rupees for two Oruizers or 20,000
for one to be stationed in the Gulph for the protection of the Trade, and had
also made an otfer of delivering up to the Honble Company the Town and
GovernmA of Bunderik if agreeable to us. That be was encamped amongst
the Baptiaries between Spabaun and Bagdat and bad an Army of near one
hundred thousand men—That in consequence of orders from the Agency he
returned on the Tartar the detaohment of military he had there an account of
whose pay advanced at different times came endosed.
Translate,of the Protest against the proceedings of the English Gentlemen at Bunder Abassy
towards the Factory of the Butch Company during their differences with the Inhabitants
Sf Governour of
You will not take amiss by this present my giving You a dotail of the
Irregular Conduct & of the violence Committed by the English Gentlemen at