Page 260 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 260


                                Hon'ble If. Grenville to Peter Elwin Wrenou, Esq.*. at Bassora.

            Why and how a      A few Days agoo Your Letter of the 20ih_ July oatno to my hands m-
            waa'obtby tho forming mo of your hoing appointed Agent for the E. I. Company’s Affairs at
            for1th^Ac“^t,a“,lor Bassora on the departure of M_L. Price, & of your having taken upon you
            SwTfor iu t!*°* N,e oxeoution of that Charge, Consequently in all future concerns of the Com­
                        pany at the porto (which have for some Months past been neither unim­
                        portant, nor few, & which have more than sufficiently ongag’d my Time,
                        my thoughts, & my Pon) I shall address my Dispatches to You; I shall
                        make no recapitulation here of the several Steps, I have been pursuing at the
                        porte in the Service of the Company’s Affairs there; As my past dispatohos
                        to Ml,. Lystor & Ml. Garden will have given you all fitt & uecessary
                        Lights upon that Subject, & more especially as I now transmitt You here­
                        with Duplicates of my last Letters to Ml.. Girdon of the 1“‘- & 7kh- August
                       the better to Guard against the ill consequences of any Miscarriage upon
                       the road, tho’ certainly when Icoasider the Bearer of those Dispatches, nothing
                       of that Sort is to be apprehended:
                           From those Dispatches You will have learnt the difficulties I have had to
                       encounter at tho Porte, the Scenes of entanglements which I found myself
                       engag’d ia with the Yizier, ’ere I cou’d work out an accomplishment of the
                       great objeot in view, & obtain leave for dispatching away an Officer of Dis­
                       tinction from the porte, & making him the Bearer of tho Portes Commands
                       to Bussora: at length however I succeeded; fortunately I have prov’d a
                       Successful Negotiator at the Porte, & much I hope that this Officer will prove
                       as successful a Messenger of the Company’s Service, and for all parties
                       interested; whioh I shall wait with eager impatience tq be inform’d of. From
                       those Dispatches too, You will have learnt that I was still labouring to
                       succeed at the Porte in that very difficult pinch of Business, so often spoken
                       of allready in my former Dispatches, & now at length happily obtain’d, I
                       mean a Consulary Birat from the porte for the Company’s Agents at Bassora ;
                       It is a real satisfaction to me thus to have it in my power, in tho first Letter
                       I write, & in the first opening of my Correspondence with You, to congratu­
                       late you on this Event; I have all along look’d upon a Consulary Birat from
                       the Porte as an object of such an high & concernment to the Company’s
                       Interests in the Ottoman Dominions at all times, & particularly in the present
                       Hour, amidst the present Distraotions & Irregularities of Government at
                       Bussora, that I determin’d to leave no effort unemploy’d whioh cou’d possibly
                      effect my Success : It i6 the Surest & most efficaoious means that he know
                      of in this part of the World, for protecting the Company’s Commerce their
                      property, & just rights; it seoures to them for ever & more firmly than any
                      thing else can, a perraamont & quiet residence at Bassora for their future
                      Agents there, it silences for ever that new fangled but dangerous Doctrine
                      at the Porte, the annual change of them. It is what has been ever praotia’d
                      by the Lerant Company in almost all the considerable Scales of the Lerant
                      for the sake of their Commercial Affairs, and by these means it is that their
                      Consuls seldom or never meet with Molestation in their respective Establish­
                      ments : The expediency & advantage of such a Birat is manifest & Clear;
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