Page 259 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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Bunder Abassy against our Factory under pretence of driving out the Persians
who had retir’d there ; You surely Sir are uotignoraut that they did not fear
broaking opon the Doors with Hatchets, also the Windows as well as burning
the platforms on which were formerly Cannon; in a word their Committing
all manner of Hostilitys in the Factory, not ever sparing tho Effects of the
Inspector of said Factory J. Jacob Christanu9 & by which means ho was
depriv’d of all he possess’d; & the Factory render’d entirely Defenceless, and
that to the Scandal of our Company. I came, therefore, Sir, by this present to
protest to You a Chief of the English Company in the persian Gulph, and
my representing the Dutch Company; against all those attempts and Violence
committed by your Nation against the Goods & Honor of our Company, and
protend to an entire indoranity for all tho Wastes & Loses our Company and
the Inspector of the Factory have suffer’d on this occasion.
Sign’d without Compliment,
Carrack, 29, August 1764.
Copy of a paragraph of a letter from Mynheer Buschman Chief of Carrack to the Agent under
date 291i. AugLr 8f recc'd 7 Sep*.
Accompanying this is a protest concerning the irregular proceedings of
the English Gentlemen at Gombroon against the Dutch Factory there and
the Effects of our Inspector who resided there; therefore I desire, Sir, You will
please to answer to the said protest separately that I may be enabled to send
your answer to Batavia, for I have had Ordors from the Supreme Council to
make the said protest on Information that the said Christanus had made at
Batavia of past Hostalitys ; I also intreat, Sir, that the answer may be in
Copy of a paragraph of a letter from the Agent in answer to the above dated the 8th Sept1
I observe, Sir, what You mention concerning the protest which you have
sent mein consequence of the Information given in at Batavia by the Inspec
tor Christanus, with respect to the Irregular proceedings of the English at
Gombroon against the Dutch Factory, & which you are pleased to request me
to reply to separately, for all I can say to it is that as I am not acquainted with
any transactions of this nature committed by the English Gentlemen there
I cannot esteem myself a fitt person to answer thereto; except I had been on
the Spot at that Time & cou’d judge of the Oircumstance9, but as neither one
or the other is the case consequently am no ways authoris’d to reply to suoh
remonstrances without permission of my Superiors at Bombay, & must there
fore beg leave to return the protest, & refer You to the Gentlemen there
for Satisfaction as to the points complain’d of therein.
The Agent had Letters from Consul Kinlock dated the 17 TJlt 0 acquainting
him that on the 11 D 0 he rece’d the two Paoketts for the Company for
warded from hence the 12—. & 25 July which he dispatch’d Express to
Constantinuple on the 104 with the Letters for the Ambassador; one of the
Paoketts from the Consul came brake open in the outward Covering, but none
of the letters were open'd which the pattamars say was done by the Wild
Arabs whom they met with on the way in order to search for Diamonds or any
thing else of Value.