Page 249 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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           offered by the Sliaik added to the little expence attending a Residency at
           Bushiro whore all Pomp and Parade is quite unnecessary appeared to mo too
           inviting not to be embraced and therefore I hope your Honour etc. will approve
           the steps I have taken I have only to add thereto that the Rains in this part
           of the world not being periodical and no vessels to be procured for transporting
           Goods but Trankics which are not only open but wretchedly bad in any blowing
           weather a vessel of about 100 tons Burthen with a Deck and Pique sail like
           the Dutch luggego Boats at Surat appears to me very necessary and as she
           may be made capablo of defence by mounting 8 or 10 carriage Guns upon her
           she will be very serviceable in many respects especially for removing our
           surplus Cash at Bushire to Bussora as occasion requires.
               I have not been able to finish affairs at this place until now tomorrow
           morning I shall embark for Oarrack and as soon as the vessels are watered
           (the water here excepting what is brought upon Asses and Camels at a
         • distance which would be expensive being very bad) and wind will permit make
           the best of my way to Bussora.
                                                        I am respectfully
                                                       Honblo Sir and Sirs,

                                                   Tour most obedient servant
                                                 WILLIAM ANDREW PRICE.
              22nd April 1763.
              Rece’d 12th July per Lively,
              No. 11S

              P. (S'.—I hear the small Trankey is just now come into the Road.


                       Extracts from Basrah Factory Diary, No. of 1763-64.
               Basrah, October 1763,
               Wedncssday 12th—The Chaub having landed a number of men in the Doing« 0f the
          Dawasha country and drove away the inhabitants, the Stoalloto returned with
          Shaik Ali on board without having been able to procure any dates in part
           payment of Mr. Shaw’s debt.
              Thursday 13th—Understanding that the Chaub’s people have got possession
          of the dates at Dawasha, which they will probably carry off and thereby prevent
          Mr. Shaw’s getting his interest therein, I notified to the Government my
          intention of sending down the Sioallow to prevent it, but the Mussaleem and all
          the Jans begged I would not have recourse to violent measures and they would
          give me a letter to the Chaub, with a Mumbashee on their parts. He was
          despatched this day with a suitable letter from me upon the occasion.
              Saturday 15th—News arrived that the Bashaw’s army was marched
          towards Hauisa, where they defeated part of the Benaleem arabs, and that
          the Bashaw was in person at a place called Uscn, from whence he proposed
          coming to Bussorah and then proceed to attack Sha:k Soliman the Chaub.
              Monday 17th— Not having received any anrwer from the Chaab, aud
          being advised that his people on hearing of the Basbaws approach have quitted
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