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him in a polite and friendly manner, and afford him all the aocommadation
which his Rank and station in the service ontitlo him to, affording him at the
samo time all the assistance ho may require of you, in order to clear himself
of the imputations la id to his charge, either by examining witnesses or by you
interposition with the Government or others for procuring such proofs, as M-£
Douglas may represent to bo necessary for that purpose, and the same conduct
you will observe, with respect to MessIL Show and Garden—Moss .El. Benjamin
Jervis and John Tortesso now proceed to your assistance, having received
their diet to the end of ln6t month, salary to the 2nd instant, but not the
allowance for their passage. Messll Dymoke Lyster and John Sebastian
Natter already in Persia, are likewise ordered to assist you agreeable to the
Rules of the service, but as M-l_. Torlesse is only ordered to accompany you
on account of his bad state of health ho is not to bo concerned in the manage
ment of affairs, notwithstanding his being a Factor, but only to assist you, as
occasion, and to return with you to the Presidency; You are to
you may boo
embark on tho Tartar whose Commander is orderd to receive, and entertain you
in a manner suitable to your Rank and station in the service, and to proceed on
her to Bussorab, with all expedition, to set about tho enquiries ordered, carry
ing with you as many of the Hon’blo Company’s woollens, as you may be able
touching however at Muscat for intelligence, and at Gombroon, to give any
assistance which may be wanted there, which you are to afford, on M-L-
Douglas’ applying to you for the samo, provided it may not require above a
few days, While you are employed on this service, we permit of your keeping
a Table at the Hon’ble Company’s expence, in part of which you have been
advanced four thousand (4,000) Rupees, and directed that at Bussorah every
body live in one House, (if it can be done,) eat at one Table, and in every
respect keep up a perfeot harmony, and as presents to the Government will
be necessary on your first arrival, and perhaps too on any applications you
may have occasion to make, we must acquiese therein, though at the same
time, we must enjon you to the utmost frugality, in this, as well as in every
article of expense, whatsoever, avoiding as much as you can all pomp and
parade of any kind, which is constantly attended, with a very heavy charge
as our Hon’ble Masters.**
President and Governor and Council, Bombay to William Andrew Price.
Having in the last Paragraph of our General Instructions directed you to
remain at Surat, till further Orders from us, this is chiefly to direct you to
Present to be given
to Karotamdaa, proceed on your voyage immediately on receipt hereof and give you some
Company's broker
et ilaakat. further instructions, which may possibly ooour in the course of tho service you
are going upon, and on which through tho Hon’blo President, you desired our
Narrotam, tho English Broker at Muscat, having in many occasions been
serviceable in transmitting intelligence, we would have you provide