Page 236 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 236
in Woolens laving of Into made no purchases owing chiefly to the badness of the
Government at Carmcnia to which placo all goods purchased for Corazoon
Mushad, Candahar, &c., first went, and ns the Government people there had
for some time past taken from the merchants the goods carried from Gombroon
at their own pricos, giving them in payment what they pleased, and with that
& other oppressions discouragod the merchants and did not find the Oorazan
or other merchants had been at Oarmonia for many months past & there
soomrd to bo a stagnation of trado there. That Ahmad Oaun, brother to the
Sardar of that placo with about fifteen hundred men had made a tour round
those territories fleecing the farmers & in April returned to the city & by
the last accounts from thence mentioned his being against Barn. That the
country powers round them were still at variance destroying & plundering
Jaffer Khan's each other and Jaffor Oaun, the Governor of that placo, still continued his
oppression*. '
oppressions and only a few Mullanees having anything remaining it fell
very heavy on those who served the Hon’blo Company aud if they were
continued it would be impossible for any people of Credit to stay at Gombroon,
as they seemed particularly pointed at and the Agent had used every method
possible to remove those oppressions but unless they were in a condition to
proteot the Hon’blo Company’s Property and those serving under them
they were afraid they would still he continued as at present nothing kept them
within tolerable bounds. Knowing they had it in their power to oppress, &
not being sure their Government would continue long which had reduced the
town to a few Oajan Huts & not many wealthy people remaining nor sea
customs coming in and lent a trifle from the land, & the Governor wanted to
maintain the grandeur of a Persian Caun, send money to his family at Lhor
and answer the Demands his brother Nassir Caun made on him. That
Nisir Khan's Nassir Caun had made many excuses for not discharging his Debt & they
thought no dependance could be placed on him, & they believed the former
oppressions as well as those then practised, were with his approbation and
oonsent. They acquainted us they had received no advices from Bussorah
since May but mentioned that a Report had been spread thereof the Portuguese
have joined us and they were assured of the death of Soliman Bashaw of
Bagdad & that the people were waiting for orders from Constantinople for
appointing a new one. They requested wo would sond them some Flints.
The Third mentioned that a Boat had arrived there with a Letter from the
Resident at Bussorah, copy of the Material Paragraphs of which they enclosed
us, as also the Musters of Broad Cloth brought by an Aleppe Caravan, but in
Basrah affairs.
Letters the Agent had received from thence no mention was made of the
Portuguese having joined us. That Shaik Suliman had blocked up Bussorah
River with his Gallivats, declaring he would let no Boats go up or down. In
a Postcript they informed us that Messrs. Shaw and Garden had not discharged
any more of their Debt to the Company to the 9 th July.
Public Department Diary No. 89 of 1762.
Bombay Castle, 26th October 1762.
Translats of a copy Translate of a copy of a letter, endorsed in English purporting to be from the Shaik of Busbire
Bhafclrf Boshirs.8 to Mesander Douglas, Esquire, aud received at Gombroon the 9th September and at
Bombay the 19th October, but there aro no names, in Persian writing from whom, and to
whom is wrote nor is it dated.