Page 226 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 226

           to»uJflkP*ring a^ok Town, had begun to make an inner wall to it the old one boing
           Gombroon.   too largo to defend with tho Troops lie bad, that the now wall joining to tlio
           fo^dVemSTinS  House they dwelt in Jaffer Caun insisted on their dofonding that part of tho
           Mk« for Bntiih   Town jn Cft90 the Arabs came, which was not tho only Inconvcuicnoo attouding
           rud», ft nqaeat
           eTftdod.    it for a9 tho wall was to be as high as tho house ho, Mr. Listor, should bo obliged
                       not only to keep the major part of tho Military under arms but also to
                       raise tho wall of tho house, lest Jaffer Caun should bo induood to make au
                       attempt on them. That Jaffer Caun having sent to him for two'Guns for tho
                       Defence of tho Dutch Factory, ho had informed him whenovor disposed of any
                       and that there woro no moro than just sufficient for the defence of tho factory
                       but ho was very pressing he wou’d return them, but as the lending them must
                       irritate the Arabs ho endeavoured to evado complying therewith by putting
                       him in mind of tho solemn Agreement he made with the Agent continue in
                       Friendship, on whioh he seemod to be easy but said if tho Arabs did come ho
                       believed he must be under the necessity of having one at least, and that he
                       was afraid ho would oblige him to let him have the one if not both, as it was
                       in his power without using hostile measures to compeli him to a compliance,
                       by depriving him of wood, water and all kinds of necossarie9, but that to
                       prevent either him or tho Arabs reducing to immediate want he had lain in one
                       month’s wood and water. That he had received advice from Carmenia, that
           Cftrim Khan's   Carim Cauns general using great oppressions caus’d many villages to revolt
                       and that on sending most of his troops to reduoo them, Tagueby Sultoun  one
                       of the revolters took the opportunity of surprising the city and that Conde
                       Moured Caun the general assembling what men he could in the city was kill’d
                       in the skirmish, and Mirza Allassen with the consent of Taguegby Sultour was
                       appointed Governour. That Carem Caun was at Tairoun and Hussan Caun
                       Governour of Istraband had revolted from him and as troubles were also broke
                       out in Tairoun they imagined under its present Governour would be restored to
                       its Former Trauquilitv and Trade that since the Agent’s departure for Bussorah
                       he bad read, a letter from Nassier Caun apologizing for his not having any part
                       of the Loan and acquainting him of his intention of coming to Taurom to
                       collect Tairouns taxes, out whioh he said the loan should be paid and men­
    3                  tioned by private advices from Lhor, that Nasseir Caun had received the news
    1                  of Messey Saltouns death who resided on Shyrack on his part, and that the
    3                  Ohoppars who came from thence to obtain a hostage for the treaty the
                       negotiating were received very ooolly by him, and refus’d to send any of his
                       relations there on that account, who thereupon went away much disgustes
                       leaving no hopes of an accommodation between him and Caun taking place.
                       That no opportunity had offer’d of disposing of auy woollens.


                                         Publio Department Diary No. 37—1761.
                                          Bombay Cattle, 271h December 1761.
           Gombroon, L. Iron.  Came in a Dingey from Mascat by which received two letter from
                       Mr. Dymok Lyster.
                           The first bore date the 1 October and advised that the Banimine Arabs
                       bad for some time been endeavouring to procure Jaffer Cauns Bemoval from
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