Page 225 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 225
Commands and Supercargoes belonging to English Vessels to reside and livo
in the Factory and eat at the Public Table, the Enercasc and Doorcase of that
Table expenM*.
Article did not depend on the number of Company’s servants but as we
thought the table oxpenses run high, they should only continue it to the end
of the month and allow every junior sorvant 40 Rupees per Month, hue the
Agent submitted his allowance to be settled by us. That we should observe
the great Danger in the Woollens was mostly in the Medleys, and which they
said had been so for many years and imagined that not only what was sent to
them was so spotted and mildonod, but likewise what we received from Europe
that our Hon’ble Masters had been several times addressed on this subject, to
which they roferrod and mentioned every piece being examined by the Ware- Mr. Dougla*,
agent, gone U
house keeper previous to the delivery and his Report entered in their Diary. Gairah.
That agreeable to our Commands the Agent now proceeded to Bussorah and and
should fully comply with our Commands and had delivered the charge over to
Mr. Lyster: That affairs were much the same when they last wrote us that
thro* Messengers had been frequently going and coming to and from Shy rash
aflairs were not settled between Carem Caun and Nassir Caun and that at their
place oppression went on, in its old Channel. That 100 Bales of Broad Cloth
were shipped on the Swallow for Bussorah and we would perceive by the
Commander’9 Letter she could not take in more. That their Remains of Broad
Cloth were 65 Bales and 6 pieces Medleys, 16 Bales and 2 pieces Drabs, 45
Bales and 2 pieces coarse, 18 Bales Middling, 6 Bales and 3 pieces Superfine,
21 Bales and 8 pieces fine, a bales and 8 pieces cased Medleys and 1 Bale
Erench Fabricli. That Nasser Caun had not cleared any part of his Debt and NuirKhan*« debts.
notwithstanding all his Promises thoy were dubious of him, and as this was the
time for collecting the annual Revenues of Tarrsun, and he did not put it in
way of payment, they should think they had some Grounds for their suspicions;
That the People of that Kingdom and its Coasts being of a bad a Disposition,
Europeans would find it difficult to live amongst them as formerly, unless
they were determined to resent affronts. "That they continued to keep their
charges as low as possible, but from the Situation the Country was in at present
the found it impossible to reduce them, without requiring the. Hon’ble
Company’s Property, especially as they lived amongest People who only regarded
the present and has neither honour nor honesty, who kept troops at the expense
of the industrious and who paid no regard to the fair trade. That there want
of cash obliged them to take up 12,000 Rupees from the Agent whom they had
given Bills on us for the same and that they had received 900 Maunds of wool
from Carmenia.
Public Department Diary No. 87—1761.
Bombay Castle, 18th September 1761,1
Came in the Nanoy Ketch John Graggs Master from Muscat by whioh Gombroon, letter
received a letter from Mr. Dymoke Lister at Gombroon dated the 11th May jJ^ndaj ai.
advising taat Jaffer Caun being informed the Arabs were making preparations