Page 223 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 223


             Resolved that wo enjoin the Agont and Council to keep no more money
         than is necessary, for the current expences, and Wool they may have a prospect
         of procuring, as wo shall, beforo the close of the season, send another Conveyance
          to bring away the remains of treasure, copper, wool and, other goods they have
         on hand.

                              Public Dept. Diary No. 30 of 1701.

                               Bombay Cattle, 4th March 1761.
             The letter for the Agent & Council at Gombroon, replied to theirs from Gombroon, w.ut
         the 27th January 1760, to the 28th January last, agreeable to our Resolutions10'
         and Remarks under the 29th of the last mentioned Month, and our subsequent
         Consultations. We approved their dispatching the Swallow, and mentioned our
         forwarding two Musters of Carmenia Wool, regarding which they must strictly Enquiries to b«
                                                                             euto prospect
         observe the orders contained in our Hon’ble Masters’ Commands and Listmad
                                                                           of trade in Coroiah
         of Investment, copies of which we enclosed them, and direoted them to make ^io- „
                     *   1                                .         .      Two writera sent to
         the necessary enquiry, both there and at Bussorah concerning the Cornish Tin Ba*rah.
         one of the Musters of which sent them, must be forwarded thither for that iwh Agencyto*!*
         purpose.  That Messrs. Natter and Douglas Writers proceeded to their assistance kePtdown-
         having both received their Diet for last Month with the usual Passage Money,
         and the former was to be paid his salary from the 12th January last, but the
         latter being at present only on the footing of a Monthly Writer was not to
         receive any, till our further orders. We permitted the Agent and Council to
         give them leave to return here, if either of their Healths abso lutely require
         it. That a Pair of Screws were making for packing Wool, which when finished
         would be Bent them, and that we complied with their indents for Provisions,
         Stores, Medicines and Stationery, amounting, with the whole of the Woolens
         received this Season for Bussorah, and now forwarded to Rupees 23,021-2-94:
         That all dispatches to us from Bussorah by Trankeeys were to pass thro*
         them, and that we depended on their keeping the Charge of that Residency
         within moderato Bounds, particularly the Article of Presents, which we observed
         was become very large. We directed them to send us an annual supply of
         100 St. Candies of Brimstone, for making Gunpowder, and advise the
         Hon’ble Company of all Occurrences either there or at Bussorah worthy

                                      V III.
                             Public Dept. Diary No. 80 of 1701.
                              Bombay Cattle, 25th April 1761.

            Came in the Ruparell Ketch from Muscat by which received duplicate of Gombroon. L«tt«
         a Letter the original of which had not reached us from the Agent & Counoil
         at Gombroon dated 28th February, advising that having been disappointed in
         their expectations of disposing of a considerable quantity of Woollens and bemg
         by the unfavourable accounts from Carmenia, apprehensive it would be some situation at *
         time beforo they could make any more sale and being in want of Money, they SprovX nok
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