Page 219 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 219
owing to tlio Province of Corazonn being involved in Troubles, but a9 they
heard matters wore going to bo adjusted there tlioy hoped Trade would again
flourish. That they had received from Carmania, the Wool investment being
3,000 Mnunds, 2,820 of which was the rod sort, 135* white and 45 Grey, the last
of which they proposed returning to sell for what it would fetch. That the
interior parts of Porsia were till in the utmost confusion and that Carem Oaun p0aii!tonFhftn<
who had been endeavouring to bring the empire under his subjection met with
so many powerful competitors that he really believed he would not succeed and
that some of his Generals had been lately dofeatod. That there had been very
little Trade carried on at Carmenia for some months past and that the Iulfar
Arabs had been endeavouring at the recovery of that place and Orrauso tho*
without success. That tho ship Foozoraboony which belonged to Nassir Caun,
the Binimine Arabs left at Muscat, and it was believed that the Imaum would
never return her, but send her here to be repaired, on bis own account. That
on the 24th June 1000 Iulfar Arabs with Shaik Rachid and Moolah Ally Shaw Shaikh Rashid and
Mulls Ali Shaw
at their hoad landed within about 600 yeards of the town of Gombroon whioh ,oiz® Gombroon,
they entered and took possession of the same evening and tho’ they continued
firing at tho Fort where the Caun’s soldiers who also fired in return till the
28th. No execution was done on either side and the Iulfar Arabs rcimbarked
again, and returned to Kishme duing their stay at Gombroon, the Inhabitants
were plundered, both by him and the Cauns people. That Nassir Caun had
made an attempt upon Linga, but found it better prepared than he expected
and they learnt of his affairs did not take a bad turn, he iutended visiting
Gombroon and that he in August attempted to plunder Iulfar, but finding it
too well prepared ho proceeded to Kishme and laid waste and plundered every
where he camo to. That JalTer Caun’s Oppressions prevented the merchants jaffer Kban’a
coming thore, and from his behaviour to them, and-the Impediments tlioy mel0l,pr,f,ai0D*’
with on his account they doubtod not be would plunder them if he found an
opportunity, but as coming to a rupture with him they thought not prudent
while his brother Nassir Caun was so near with a considerable force they had
privately sent to him, to know if his Brother’s behaviour was with the approba
tion, when they learnt Jaffer Caun had wrote him many Falsities which had
occasioned his giving him leave to create them disturbances, but on their
messenger’s Representations he was greatly appeased, and promised soon to
regulate all affairs himself on his going to Gombroon. That ho had requested
Brake Ketch to convey the Binimine Arabs • who were desirous of settling the Hit r^ae«t for
° con»eyioK Beni
Arabs brought there and from what information they could get he was much Main Areba in tb«
displeased at their refusal. Besides their having no Force to withstand his Slm^7i.oooP'
army which consisted of 2,600 men should he be induced to plunder them, g,T,nt0
bad occasioned their at last consenting and 6he accordingly sailed the 11th
September on that sorvioe. Property then there and their Inability to resist
his force should he be inclined to seize it which he might easily do, as they
had no place of Defence to lodge it in, had also induced them to comply with
his repeated demands of loan of 1,000 Tomaunds tho’ they bad used every
method in their power to evade it, as they believed Jaffer Caun capable of
anything they desired. Our directions for their future proceedings and wished
Nassir Oaun had been there, that they might be at a certainty about what
footing they were to be on. That on receipt of our Commands they had taken
into consideration the most likely means to get possession of the Island
Ormuso and judged none so likely as doing it thro* the inhabitants and as a
constant correspondence had been kept up with the Commanding Officer, the
* To Gombroon from Ormua F