Page 215 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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William Nash, Ensign Johnston, Dymoke Lystcr, Lioutonant Goorgo Bembon,
Lieutenant Richard Evans, and Richard Mainwaring, arc lawfully exchanged
for Monsieur D’Estaing and they are at full liberty to go wbero and to what
Places they please, in oonsequcnoo of which, Monsieur D’Estaing is under no
other Clause thau what is specified in the Sixth Article.
Article 5th.
Tho' the prosent Exchange of Prisoners, is an unnecessary precaution in
Behalf of Monsieur D’Estaing, yet all persons mentioned in the preceding
Article, aro absolutely free, but shou’d Monsieur D’Eataing have been already
exchanged, as ho undoubtedly is, in that case, the seven Persons already
mentioned, who now enjoy their Liberty, a like number and of equal station,
of His most Christian Majesty’s subjects, are to be released, whenever a
Castle is made.
Article 6th.
Monsieur D’Estaing in order to fullfil with the greatest Exactitude, tho
Promise he made Governour Pigot, that he would not take arms against the
English on the Cormandel Coast only for the space of eighteen months,
reckoning from the 1st of May 1759, desires it may bo inserted in the present
Capitulation, that notwithstanding he is now exchanged, yet he will keep
tho promise made Governour Pigot, of not taking arms against tho English,
on the Coast of Cormandel only for the space of eighteen months, but he is
at free Liberty, in all other Places to take arms.
Article 7.
If it is possible to agree about tho repurchasing of Gombroon Factory, it
will be looked on as part of the prosent Capitulation, tho Besiegers reserving
to themselves, tho Liberty nevertheless to do therewith, as they may think fit
should no Agreemont be concluded with the Besieged.
Article 8.
In consideration of the Exchange of Monsieur D'Estaing, and at his
particular request to Monsieur Des Essars, Alexander Douglas, Esq., Chief of the
English East India Company’s Settlement of Gombroon and all others men
tioned in tho fourth Article, have liberty, and may carry away all their own
effects, of what kind or sort soever, excepting Ammunition, Provisions, Marine,
Military or Warlike Stores, or any thing tending thereto, or to the Art of War,
Gombroon the fourteenth day of October, at six o’clock in the
morning and in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and fifty nine.
Publio Department Diary No. 33—1759.
Bombay Castle, 26th December 1759. Gombroon,
1., from
Came in a Dingey, with a letter from the Agent and Council at Gombroon
dated the 8th ultimo, acquainting us, that the French left that place the 2nd