Page 210 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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Longues of them, and thoy imagined ho would either take that, or the Asseen
Road, as Nassoir Caun had well guarded tho short Roads thro* the Moun
tains which load to Lhor, tho siogo of which Placo according to tho Appear
ance of Affairs was resolved on, That as their Roads had been stopped for
some time, they could speak with little Cortainty of Affairs Inland, but if
Cnroom Caun and his Gonorals continued to act as Mahomet Volly Caun, had
dono, thoy bid fair for tho Ruin of that Kingdom. That a Dutch Ship
arrived there tho 26th January, to carry away all their storos and that the
Qontlemen had embarked the 3rd Ultimo.
Public Department Diary No. 32.
Bombay Castle, 17th April 1759,
Gombroon (Letter Roturned the Viper Ketch with a Letter from tho Agont & Council
at Gombroon under the 2nd instaut, advising their having despatched our
Packet to the Hou’blo Company under the 2nd February on the 17th
ultimo. That as the Hon’blo Company had given them no Directions
about the Admiral Watson’s Packet, thoy were afraid to risque it on a Country
Vessel, but desired our Instructions for their future conduct in liko Cases.
That they had given the Resident at Bussorah the necessary Directions regard
ing the Medleys mentioned to be pressed by new Workmen, and that as the
sale of the Cloth for their Market, was precarious, they had not unpacked it,
hut when they did, should advise us of all Particulars. That tho Dutch had
imported no Woolens since the year 1751, and as no inland Merchants had
been there for some time, they could not comply with the Hon’ble
Company’s Directions regarding the new Manufacture of Woolen Stuff, nor
send Patterns of the Shalloons and long Ells. That we had been duely advised
of the Motions of Mahomed Velly Caun whom Carem Caun had appointed
sardar of the Hot countries, and who having once approached bo near them as
Agency linguist Nabam, they had judged proper to send their Linguist to pay him their Com
•eut to meet pliments, whom he received very genteely & presented with a Coat of
Mahomed Vellj
Khan, who it pre- Honour. That he publiokly declared his Design against Lhor, and his inten-
IsombrooD^tnd*^ tion, if successful!, of subjecting all their neighbourhood to Carem Caun’s
obedience, and till affairs were settle 1 between him and Nassier Caun, they
aoprehended that part of the Country would be in a most confused state.
That Mahomed Velly Caun being much dissatisfied with Mullah Ally Shaw,
had sent a Messenger to acquaint him, he was groatly deceived if he thought
to escape, as tho* his affairs called him to Lhorr, he would rather return or
send a proper Person to be Governour of Gombroon, at the same time taking
care to have a sufficient force to attack Gombroon, in which the case the
Agent and Council were apprehensive, he would insist on the assistance of our
Vessels, and if refused, might act as Taugy Caun had done in the year 1738.
That Moolah Ally Shaw while he could hold Ormuse and collect the Revenues
of Gombroon, &o., seemed regardless of the continent in time of troubles, but
generally returned as soon as they were blown over, behaving with the greatest
arrogance; that be had applied to the Agent for tho loan of 4,000 Rupees,
aud seemed' greatly displeased at being refused, which made them apprehen
sive of his creating them troubles. That all their inhabitants except the