Page 206 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 206

                        wbioh happenod to the Cauo, and shewn him slights, & fro u what thoy could
                        perceive, was the Caun to be dofeatod he would soon create them troubles, of
                        wbioh he was always speaking to hU Crew of Arabs, & bringing up the
                        affair of the Persian ship carried thenoe by Mahomet Beg Shanloc. However,
                        they hoped, should be act as bo did last year, or otherwise annoy them, that
                        wo would tako such steps as would convince him, we had it iu our .power to
                        resent an injury & humble him, without which it would bo diiffcult to carry
                        on their affairs or to remain in any degree of socurity. That on tho 18th
                        Moolah Ally Shaw sent a party to attack Asseen Port which they took, tho
                        Commandant having sav’d tho few men he had by retroatiug thro’ narrow
                        Pass, which Capture with his publick Rejoicing for that of Sliamiel, surprized
                        overy body, and no one could account for it, but which would iu the end occa­
                        sion troubles there, as tho Caun would not put up with such treatment. That
                        Moolah Ally Shaw had brought tho Persian ships from Ormus with a Design,
            Mufin Ali Shaw
            bring* Persian   ns lie says, to assist his son-in-law Shaik Rama who is at War with the
            ahipa to Ormni.
            Hi* intention.  Immaum of Muscat, but they thought if such was bis Design be would bo more
            Letting out an
            English vessel to  expeditious in getting them away as ho knew the Immauiu’s fleet left Muscat
            hMtmuea         month for Dubba. That they bad been informed the Commander of a
            damned.     Ketch, belonging to this Place bad let out his vessel to the Imaum of Muscat
                        to assist in bis Present War, which they thought necessary to represent, that
                        none who trade under tho Hon’bio Company’s Proteotiou may be suffered to
                       interfere, or aid any of tie Country Powers iu their Disputes with each other,
                       as it might embroil their affairs particularly in the present case, when one
                       Party is so nearly related to the Govr. of the plaoe, where the Hon’ble Company
                       have a Factory. That their Surgeon having represented his ill state of Health
                       & desired permission to return hither, they had complied therewith, on
                       Captn. Cleugb’s acquaiuling them he would leave his surgeon there if theirs
                       would act in the vessel, during her passage which he very readily agreed to.
                       That Mr. Holmes having also laboured under a very bad state of Health, and
                       the Surgeon representing his remaining there might be attended with bad
                       consequences, they requested we would permit him to return hither. That
                       they sent seven European Recruits on the Revenge and had taken out of her a
                       Sarjeant & Drummer in lieu of those who were dead, & had also exchanged
                       a Corporal aud one European which they would pay their whole Pay from tho
                       1st ultimo, & the Drummer only half pay from that time, those sent hither
                       had received theirs to the 30th ultimo, & that as they might have occasion
                       to land men from the Cruizors, they desired to know whether they should
                       apply to the Commander of the Vessel or the Military Officer, as they seemed
                       both to have pretensions thereto. That they had granted Bills on us for
                       Rs. 6,000 in favour of John Parker.


    «                                   Public Department Diary 31—1768.
                                          Bombay Cattle, 23rd December 1785•
    i      Gombroon (Letter   Imported tho Dragon Captn. Richard Moore from Bussorah & Gom­
    <      from.)     broon, by whom received a Letter from the Agent & Council at the latter
                       place, dated the 10th Instant, & acknowledging receipt of our Letter of the
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