Page 202 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 202

                               10.  The Medleys brought this Year for your Market and Bussorah have
                           more  of the lino sort among them than usual, which upon the whole We judge
                           will be hotter than any of the Dutch will send, Wo have before ordorod  you
                           to send us Pattorns of all the sorts of Wooleu Goods they may import Wo now
                           repeat, and if possible you must do it by this Ship.
                               11.  You will receive by this ship 16 Bales of Shalloons with variety of
                           Colours such as are usually sent for tho Turkey Market which We think will
                           please tho Morohants you must be very particular iu fiuding out those that
                           are best liked as well as those that are disliked, and sendiug Patterns of each,
                           distinguishing thorn and giving us at the same time such Observations and
                           Remarks as shall occur to you.
                               12.  There are also a few Bales of Long Ells of the above Colours by way
                           of Trial.
                              13. We send you in this Packet under No. 13 a pattern of a new Manu­
                           facture of Woolen Stuff which must be shewu to -the Merchants and their
                           Opinion askt whether any and what Quantity will sell in persia and at what
                           price, it is made chiefly of Spanish Wool aud will cost the Company between
                           eight aud nine shillings a Yard, Wo shall expeot. your auswers as soon as may
                           bo and by this Conveyance if possible.
                              U. In Your Letter of the 20th November 1756 you meution the great
                          Damage in the Medley’s which We observe has always been the case, altho*
                          all methods have been tried here to preveut it, but some of those that go this
                          Year have been pressed by New Workmen whom We learnt were moie knowing
                          than those We employed before, their Bales will be distinguished in the Invoices
                          you must acquaint us by the first Conveyance whether they come out better
                          than the others, aud by this ship send us about half a Yard of any sort of
                          Medleys that is most spotted.
                              15. The Woolen Goods for Bussorah must be sont there as soou as you oan
                          We find that Market, will take off more than have been sold of some Years past
                          and must be supplied whenever Indented for in case more should be wanted
                          than we send from hence.
                              16.  Having lost considerably by the Carmenia Wool sold at Our lato
                          sales owing to the High price it was purchased at and having the Black and
                          white sorts among it, in particular the former, altho’ you write us it is impos­
                          sible to get the Red Sort without the other two, We insist upon your making a
                          trial as We cannot think of going on upon such a losing Trade we do direct
                          That if wool can he prooured at Carmenia at or under seven shabees per Maund
                          (exclusive of Charges) you may purchase Twenty thousand pounds and not
                          otherwise, but if it is not to be had at that price you are send only Ten
                          Thousand Pounds which must not exceed eighty Shabees per Maund but there
                          is to be none of the Black sort sent us on any account whatsoever.
                             17.  We are sorry to observe such large sums advanced tho Linguist at
                          Carmania for the purchase of Wool in these precarious times, we recommend
                          it to you to be no more in advance from time to time than shall be absolutely
                          necessary, and indeed considering tho directions in the preceding paragraph a
     G                    very small Matter will be sufficient.
     tl                      18.  Notwithstanding the Linguist at Carmenia represents the necessity
     s                    of having more Warehouses for the Wool We will not allow of building any on
     C                    the Company’s accouut upon any pretence whatsoever but he must hire addi­
                          tional Warehouses as he has hitherto doue, if there shall be a real want of
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