Page 204 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 204


                                           Public Department Di.iry 81—17 6b.
                                            Bombay Cattle, 30th January 1758.

                             Imported the Puttee Doulet Grab Captain James Dou from Bussorah,
                    „ and Gombroon, by whom received a Letter from the Agent & Council at tho
             Gombroon (Letter
             from).      latter place, dated the 11th Instant., owning receipt of ours of tho 30th Novern-
             Xrim Kbra Molu bor, with the Europe Packet, which was forwarded tho 4th Instant, that tboy
             Ali 8h»w.   had remaining in Warehouse 687 maunds Canueuia Wool, & wore receiving
                         more, as fast, a9 it could bo picked and cleaned, that tho accounts relating to
                         Hossan Caun were various, some said he had beeu defeated, others that he
                         was returned to Mezaudroon Nessoir Caun had wrote tho Agent of his being
                         at Ispahaun, & his having defeated Shaik Ally Caun, one of Carem Caun’s
                         Officers. That Carom Caun was still at Shyrash, and had sent the demand 7,000
                        Toinaunds of the Governor of Yezd, and affairs ’twas thought would be amicably
                        adjusted. Moolah Ally Shaw still remains at Ormus and his affairs with
                        Nasseir Caun, were the same, as when the Swallow sailed, that they bad drawn
                        onus for Rupees 2,431, for money received of Captain Deu, and which was
                        all he could let them have.


                                         Public Department Diary No. 81—1758.
                                           Bombay Cattle, 28th February 1758.

                           Received per boat from Muscat, a Letter from the Agent and Council
                        at Gombroon, dated the 18th ultimo, purposely to acquaint CJs that there had
            Gombroon (Letter
             from).     been a ship off that port for four days, the reports they had of which, were
            Appeer&nce of »
            French ship in   various, till one of their Noqueoaks went on board, & brought them an
            the Gnlf.   account, that she was a French ship of 24 Guns 90 Europeans & 15 Lascars
                        and properly fitted for war, & that the Syrang was his acquaintance, &
                        informed him her compliment was 110, and that they were bound anywhere,
                       but he could not learn from whence they came, though the Syrang told
                        him, they had been three Months in their passage, and had parted with three
                        more vessels at the Mouth of the Gulph, that since her appearance she had
                       been standing between Larack & Kishme, and was then at an anchor within
                        Larack, and that she had paid for some fish in Tellicberry, and Mihie Fanaws.
                       'that as they desired the Broker at Muscat, to send this boat express, they
                       requested We would reimburse him any expence he might inour thereby.
                       That an Armenian belonging to that place, had been on board and told them,
                       she had from 100 to 160 Europeans, & that the Chaplain who was an
                       acquaintance of his, said she was come from Europe and had touched at Mihie,
                       and was intended to bring down a ship from Bussorah, which had lain there
                       sometime, he could only learn of her having about ten pieces of broad cloth
                       eight robins of pepper and some sugar on board, and assured them, she was
                       properly fitted for war had three ports on eaoli side in her gunroom, but no
                       guns mounted.
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