Page 208 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 208

                         thorn. That the Admiral Watson left England tho 18th May, with the
                         Drake and True Briton, & that tho Eastoourt & Stretham, also dosigned
                         hither, were at Grave’s end, when she sailed.


                                                  Bombay Castle, 29.
                             At a Consultation Present:
                            The Hou’blo Ricuard Bourcuier, Esq., JPrcsidt. and Govr.
                            TnoMAS Byfield, Esq. *       *        *       #
                            William Sedgwiokb Brabazon Ellis.
                            William Horby Thomas Whitehill.
                            Samdel Hough indisposed.
                            Read & approved our last Consultation of tho 18th instant.
                            Also a letter from Mr. Robert Holford, &ca., Factors at Surat, &  one
                         from tin* Agent & Council at Gombroon.
                            We approve of tho Agent & Council detaining the Viper Ketch, on
                        account an army under the Command of Mahomet Velly Caun, being in their
                        neighbourhood, lest they should offer any Violence, towards the Factory.


                                           Public Department Diary No. 32.
                                           Bombay Castle, 23rd January 1758.
       1                    Imported our Hon’ble Masters* own Ship, named the Admiral Watson,
       I    (letter from).
       l    Mahomed     oommanded by Captn. William Cooke from Great Britain but last from
            Aii*Shaw°» more* Gombroon by whom received a Letter from the Agent and Council under the
                        7th instant, acquainting Us, that they had laden on her sundries amounting
                        to Shahees 643,175, and that from Mr. Shaw’s advising he had agreed with
                        Captain Parkinson, to carry the Woolens, etc, to Bussorah, they had let them
                       remain on board the Admiral Watson for the more easy transhipping them on
                       Parkinson’s arrival, but he to their great surprize not having appeared and as
                       the detaining this ship, might endanger her Passage to England, they had
                       resolved to tranship the Woolens on board the Cruizers, to land the Staples
                       and dispatch her hither, which they hoped We would approve, & not pass
                       any Censure on them, for her long Detention, which proceeded entirely from
                       ^he Dependance they had on Mr. Shaw’s Letter, that they proposed letting
                       the Goods remain on board the Cruizers, till Parkinson’s arrival, as in Case
                       of Velly Caun’s Arrival there, they might find it difficult to remove them
                       from the shore, the Inhabitants being mostly retired to the Islands, that
                       Carem Caun’s soldiers, commanded by Mahomet Velly Caun, were within six
                       days* Journey of them and as it was judged they would pass that way.
                       Moolah Ally Shaw had sent Boats, to transport the Inhabitants & their Effects
                       to the Islands, & it was reported Velly Caun had made a Demand of 2,000
                       Tomands & 100 Soldiers on Sherriarv of Mino and that demands had also been
                       made on Meer Mastally, and Meer Ally Doud, and that while he staid in that
                       Neighbourhood, no Trade could be harried on, nor were people in any degree
                       of Safety. That Shurook Caun, Governour of Carmenia, had obtained a
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