Page 203 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 203

            thorn which cannot bo the Case unless the pricoof Wool can be greatly reduced
           so as to allow of purchasing larger Quantities than you arc now limited to.
               19. We sco with Coucorn the apprehensions you were under by your la9t
            advioos of having Money or Goods extorted from you by Moolally Shaw, but
            we aro in hopes you have persisted in your Resolution to comply with his
            Demands for as you very rightly observe if they should be tamely submitted
           to, there would nover be an End to thorn and perhaps those of other Arabs in
           time, you have taken tho proper step in representing your situation to your
           superiors who will doubtless consider of the proper measures and give their
           directions accordingly for the securing Our property on this occasion.
               20 So soon as you have received all the Cargo consigned to you on this
           ship and have laden what goods are ready or will bo so shortly either of the
           Company’s or on Freight for Bombay, you are without loss of time to give
           the Commaudor his Dispatches in writing to make the best of his way thitiher
           accordingly, and follow the president and Council’s Orders for his further and
           future proceedings.
               21.  You are to give the Commander Orders to be well on his Guard from
           the time of his Arrival to his Departure, and also in his passage from Persia to
           Bombay you are likewise to commuuioate to him whatever Intelligence and
           advice may be necessary for his Information and any way tending to the
           security of the ship and Cargo from the Attempts of the Enemy if there is the
           least danger to be apprehended either thro’ surprize or by an open attack.
               22.  Notwithstanding what is before directed you may send the Admiral
           Watson to Bussorah with the Goods designed for that Residency if you find
           it safe and necessary to be dispatched from thence to Bombay or returned to
           Gombroon according to Circumstances, but you are to observe that her deten-
           tion either at one or both places be as short as possible as We shall depend
           upon her early Arrival at Bombay.
               23.  His Majesty having been most graciously pleased to order the Grafton
           of 70 and the Sunderland of 60 guns to proceed to the East Indies to join the
           squadron already there the time of their departure with the ships which have
           the benefit of their Couvoy will appear by the accompanying List.

                                       We are,
                                  Your loving Friends,
                  JOHN PAYNE.                       HENY. HADLEY.
                   LAU. SULIVAN.                   CHARLES OHAMBERS.
                   P. GODFREY.                      J. RAYMOND.
                   CHRISTO. BURROW.                 JOHN DORRIEN.
                   M. IMPEY.                        JOHN BROWNE.
                   G. STEEVENS.                     John Raymond.
                   HEN. Y. SAVAGE.-                 TIMOTHY TULLIE.
                  M. WESTERN.                       GEO, DUDLEY.
                  THOMAS PHIPPS.                    ROB. JONES.
                  JOHN MANSHIP.                    THOS. ROUS.

            29th March 1758.
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