Page 205 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 205
Public Department Diary 'll A — 1758.
Bombay Caallt, 26th July 1753.
Returned the Revenge from Gombroon, by which wo received a letter
Gombroon (Letter
from tho Agent and Council there, & one from the Resident at Bussorah.
The former was dated the 23rd ultimo, and acknowledged receipt of our company’t'stfipj.
lotters of tho 15th March and 20th April, and our consignment for Revenge
& Drake, which turned out right. They advised the import of ships there
since the 12th May, & mentioned their having been informed that the Hon’ble
Company had taken up seventeen ships this season, with their destinations*
but particularized those intended hither. That they returned the Revenge and
Drake with their remains of Carmenia wool amounting toShas. 113,839 A
2 Goz & as our Orders were so positive for having those vessels here by the
middle of this month, they durst not presume to deviate therefrom, but hiv
ing consulted their Commanders in what time they might make their passage
& they being of opinion they could not exceed twelve days, they the Agent
Orders to watch
& Council had permitted them to cruize for the Bristol till the 3rd Instant movement* of the
, . , French Warihip.
as from their advices, they having sent them before for that purpose, agreeable
to our Orders would have been of no use, and therefore judged the only chance
they had of meeting the French ship, was to permit them to cruize, as long
as our Orders would permit of, which they had communicated to Captn-
Cleugh,' and directed him to make the best of his way hither after the 3rd,
that Mr. Shaw had acquainted them under the 19th May, the Bristol was to
leave Bussorah in 15 days and by other accounts they judged she came over
the bar the preceding new moon, & was to lay at Carrack to complete at her
cargoe of Wheat from Bushire & Bunderick, & if it could not be done from
those places the French Resident was to make up the deficiency from Bussorah.
That they would not fail to advise the Hon’ble Company how the uaftonss a
Goods are esteemed by the Persians, as soon as any inland merchants should
arrive. That Hossan Caun’s severities & cruelties to the inhabitants of Spahaun
War betweonKari m
had been confirmed, & that he had ordered the Governor of Yezd to come to
Khan and Hossain
him & wrote an Order to the Governor of Carmenia to send him 1,090 horse- Khan-
men, & by a letter the Agent had received from Nasseir Caun they were
advised of his arrival before Shyrash, & of a battle between his and Carem
Caun’s troops in which the latter were defeated & obliged to retire into
he City, which was besieged by the former, & that these t wo competitors
drew the attention of every body the fate of one of whioh they thought must
ere long be determined. That the last aooounts from Nasseir Caun mentioned
his being at Toutioun, where Carem Caun had created him sufficient distur
bances, tho’ he wrote that he had defeated both Nasir Caun & Hossan
Suttoun, & that a Body of 600 men were come to his assistance from
Hossan Caun, & that he soon expected a reinforcement of 2,000 more. That
Meir Mastally had surprized & taken Shamill Fort in the night, which gave
the Caun much uneasiness, as that garrison was a check upon their place &
minoe. That Mooley Ally Shaw had on the hearing of the news, caused guns to
be fired by way of rejoicing & ordered presents to be given the Choppers who
brought him the aooount. That he had lately rejoioed at any misfortune