Page 200 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 200


                            are  proper for the Gombroon, Market, and if there is a probability of a
                            greater numbor soiling to advantage, and what such number may bo, together
                            with any other material observations that may occur worthy our Notice.
                                                                         Wo are,
                                                                   Your Loving Friends,

                                                                   HENRY SAVAGE.
                                                                  JOHN DO WHEN.
                                                                  STEPHEN LAW.
                                                                  WILLI BARWELL.
                                                                  CHARLES CHAMBERS.
                                                                  JOHN MANSHIP.
                                                                  HY. CRABB BOULTON.
                                                                  N. NEWNHAM JUN.
                                                                  I. RAYMUND.
                                                                  P. GODFREY.
                                                                  JOHN PAYNE.
                                                                  R. DRAKE.
                                                                  M. IMPEY.
                                                                  CHRISTO. BURROW.
                                                                 M. WESTERN.
                                                                 CHA. GOUGH.
                                                                 THO. ROUS.
                                                                 LAU. SULIVAN.
                            Tkt 25th March 1757.

                                  From the Court of Directors to the Agent and Council at Gombroon.
              Ag#nt Md       1. Our last Letter went to you by the Prince Edward dated the 25th Maroh
              Toonfe1 Peri^Qmb’ onShip we sent a very considerable Consignment of Woolens and
              Tbe uma (objteti some other particulars for the persia Market, which We hope have long sinoe
             Nol lxxxyih. been delivered to you.
                             2. Since the date of the letter we have received the following Letters from
                         you and Our Resident at Bussorah, by the way of Aleppo viz. Your letters
                         of the 1st and 25th May, 8th, 14th and 16th of September, 20th and 28th
                         November 1756, 26th February, 15th 30th April, 25th June, 14th and 20th
                         July 1757.
                            From Bussorah of the 7th July, the 14th October in Duplicate, the 28th
                         and 30th Deer. 1756, the 8th and 27th January, 26th May, 20th and 24th
    I*.                 June, 29th July, 12th and 20th August 1757. The Secret Committee has also
    it.                 received the Resident’s Letter of the 9th July 1757.
    s                       3. You will receive this by the Company’s own ship the Admiral Watson,
    Co                  Capt. William Cooke, Commander Burthen 400 Tons mounting 24 Guns and
                        carrying 80 Men, besides some reoruits for Our Land and Sea Forces at Bombay.
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