Page 199 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 199

                11.  The Drap Cloths Invoiced at £14-10-6 and £12-19-6 the half Cloths
            are of a New fabric, and appear equal, to the sort of the Dutch used to bring
            to Persia, which sold for about one hundred and sixty shahces per Guz, you
            must be very particular in the sale of these, and we hope the prices will be
            much advanced as great care has been taken to make the List the same as
            theirs as well as the Cloth, You must inform us if there should be any differ-
            euco in the Quality of tho Cloth or List, aud send Us Patterns every year of
            what they Import and tho Pricos they sell for.
                12.  With respect to the Cloth Neftees, you are to send us the particular
            account whether tho Colour, is liked or not, the price the cloth sells for and
            of such other remarks as occur which may be material and necessary for
            our information.
                13.  You are to be very careful and particular in making the Indents for
            Woolen Goods, and to send Patterns every year of the Colours most liked in
            the different Sortments of Cloth.
                14.  We Bliall depend upon your care and attention in disposing of the
            Consignments to you by this Ship to the best advantage, as well as transacting
            all the Company8 Affairs which fall under your management, with Integrity
            and Diligence.
                15.  This Ship the Priuce Edward having a Considerable Quantity of Store3
            some Merchandize aud a number of Recruits Bombay, you are to receive ashore
            that parts of her Cargo consigned to you with all possible Expedition; You are
            to use the like Diligence in Loading such Treasure, Copper, Wool and other
            Particulars which is necessary to send to Bombay, you are then without loss of
            time to give the Commander orders in Writing to make the best of his use to
            that Island accordingly, and follow all such orders as he shall receive from
            Our President and Council there.
                16.  You are to give the Commander Orders to be well of his Guard during
            his continuance in Gombroon Road, to prevent being surprised by tbe Enemy,
            you are to give him the like Orders to be observed in his Passage to Bombay,
            and if you have any Intelligence to give or Advice to offer, tending to the
            Security of the Ship and Cargo, you are accordingly to communicate same to
            the Commander for his Information and Guidance.
               17.  Should there be any Damage on or Deficiency the Cargo Consigned to
            you on the Prince Edward you are to adjust the same according to Charter-
            party, and you are to Demand and receive of the Commander the amount of
            such Damage or short Delivery.
               18.  As We leave it to Our President and Council of Bombay to make tho
           necessary Remarks upon your Conduct and Proceedings in general, and to give
           such Orders from time to time as are expedient for the Interost of the Company
           in the various Circumstances of Affairs, We shall not interfere with them by
           entering into Particulars in this Letter, but should any thing material occur
           we shall communicate it in our General Letter to the Presidency, from whence
           you will receive Notice thereof with the President and Council's Sentiments
            and Directions which from their Proximity will most properly be their
               19. There is a Bale of doth Invoiced by this Ship E. C. No. 1 containing
           Four Pieces which are made to imitate very exactly the French Fabriok, Wo
           would have you send us a Particular account whether the Quality and Prices
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