Page 209 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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            Rogom from Oarem Caun, appointing him Sardar of tho 9amo Province &
            as soon as  lie received it, ho marehod with 5,000 men to Girofto and
            Messengers wero constantly passing between him and Mahomet Velly Oauii in
            order to adjust matters, which they had hoard was effected tho* afterwards
            contradictod, as each endeavoured to deceive ; & tho Govevnour of Bara had
            joined tho former with 1,000 men, as had also a small Body of Nassier Caun’s
            Soldiers, and tho two armios wore within five Miles of each other, that Nassier
            Caun continued putting Lhor in tho Best Posture of Defence, and had
            wrote the Agent of his having sent assistance against "Velly Caun, and in case
            they did not succeed, he advised the Agent to be on his Guard, as Carem Caun’s
            Soldiers committed great Havoc, wherever they went, that their Gunner,
            having requested to proceod hither on account of his Health, they had
            acquiesced therein and taken a Man out of the Viper to aot in that capacity,
            till another could be sont from hence. That in a Bale of Medleys received
            per Revenge and Drake, they had found Town Pieces mildened, and worm-
            eaten, tho’ the outside Package appeared good and whole and therefore sent
            the Worm-eaten Pieces for own Inspection. That agreeable to their last a
            Ship had arrived from Caraol and carriod away most of the Dutch Go"ds and
            Surplus Cash, and another was expected to take the Gentlomen, Guns, etc.,
            and the Linguist to receive Charge of their Factory with some Brimstone, they
            proposed leaving there. That as in case of Troubles they might find it
            difficult to supply tho People with Meat, they had landed a Cask of Europe
            Beef from this Ship, which, if they did not use, tlioy would send by the First
            Conveyance. That they had just heard Carem Cauu’s Troops, were advancing
            towards Minoe, That Sundry Papers aud a Set of their Diary and General Books
            accompanied this, That they had received 9 Pigs of Lead from the Admiral
            Watson, which Captain Cooke promised to deliver to us.

                                 Public Department Diary No. 82.
                              Bombay Castle, Sunday, 11th March 1759.
                Camp in the Elizabeth Ketch with a Letter from the Agent and Council Gombroon (Utter
            at Gombroon dated the 5th Ultimo owning Reoeipt of Ours of the 18thfr031^
            December and advising that in consequence of having learnt that Captain
            Parkinson was still at Bussorah the 16th January, they imagined, their Letter
            of the 21st November, advising the Resident of their Intentions, to send the
            Admiral Watson thither, had occasioned his getting off his Contract, & there­
            fore came to a Resolution of sending the Swallow with 635 Bales of Woolens,
            and all the Lead, & if they had therein committed an Error, they hoped  we
            would overlook it, as they were induood thereto, to prevent so large a Quantity
            of Goods lying there unsold, and the sending them to Bussorah, on Merchant
            Vessels, was very precarious. That Mr. Thomas proceeded hither agreeable to
            our Permission, and had received his Salary to the 81st July, and as they had
            only one Assistant, they desired Two Junior Servauts, might be sent them.
                That Mahomed Velly Caun arrived at Minoe the 12th Janry. and by his   v«Uy
            pppre8Bions during 15 days ho remained there, they learnt, that Place was *U' m0T,meu K
            entirely ruined. He left it on the 28th & arrived the 30th within Ten
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