Page 214 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 214

                             At present wo resido at tho Dutch Factory.
                             Wo wore unable till now, to procuro a Boat for Muscat, and so soon as
                         *Yo enn got ono for Bussorah, Wo shall writo to tho Hon’blo Company.
                         A boat was dispatched tho 12th for Bussorah.
                             We havo wrote to Norotan at Muscat, to pay tho Freight of this Boat,
                         being Rupees Throe hundred (300) which we request your Honour, etc., will
                         pay to his order.
                                                                Wo are with respect,
                                                                Hon’ble Sir & Sirs,
                                                         Your most obedient humble servants,

                                                              ALEXANDER DOUGLAS.
                                                              WILLIAM NASH.
                              Gombroon ;
                            £2nd October 1759.
                              Articles op capitulation witii the French at Gombroon.
                            Articles of Capitulation, for tho English East India Company’s Factory
                        of Gombroon, between Alexander Douglas, Esq., Chief of the said Settlement
                        and Council, and Monsieur DesEssars, Captain of His most Christian Majesty’s
                        Ship Conde, and Commander in Chief of the present Expedition, and
                        Monsieur Charuyan, Captain Commandant of the Land Forces.
                                                   Article 1st.
                            So soon as the present Capitulation is signed, a Detachment of French
                        Troops, are to take possession of the Factory, tho Keys are to bo delivered to
                        the Commanding Officer, and no Person is to come in or go out, without his
                        permission, as he will take care to prevent Disorders and Thefts.
                                                  Article 2nd.
                           All Effeots of what kind soever contained in tho Factory, are to belong to
        A               the Bejiegers, and are to be delivered to the French Commissary, with all
                        Books and Papers in Possession of tho Besieged, the Besiegers aro to be shewn
        K               the Warehouses, that they may place to necessary centinels over them, tho
        S               Artillery, Arms, Ammunition, Provisions, Money, Merchandize and Slaves
                       in general everything contained within the Factory, are comprehended in this
                                                  Article 3rd.
                           The Chief, the Garrison, Factors, Writers, and all Europeans in the service
                       of the English East India Company, in general all the subjects of His
                       Britanniok Majesty in the Factory are to be Prisoners of War, under the
                       following Clauses only.
                                                  Article 4th.
                           Whereas Monsieur D’Estaing Brigadier Foot, and formerly a Prisoner of
                       His Britanniok Majesty, now on Board, the ship Conde, in his way to Europe,
                       by the way of Bussorah, being desirous of rendering more secure tho Intelli­
                       gence received of an Exchange, having been made in his behalf, between
                       Governour Pigot, Esq., of Madrass, and Monsieur Lally Lieutenant General, it
                       is now agreed, between the Besiegers and Besieged that Alexander Douglas,
                       Esqr. Chief of the English East India Company’s Factory at Gombroon, with
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