Page 212 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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had partly complied with and should comploat as soon as they received those
intonded by our Ships, for the Bussorah Market, That as silver Itupoos bogan
to bo scarce at Bussorah, and Mr. Shaw had requested Directions regarding
bis future Remittances, they desired to know what species of Gold would
answer best that they might comply with his request. That inland advicos
Movement* of
Kbrlm Klim'* mentioned, one of Oarem Caun’s Generals, having taken Istraband and
Mahomod Volly CJaun was near Lhor, whore ho was positively ordored by
Carom Oaun, to remain till roinforoed, and that the lattor intended to be
about that time crowned at Spahaun. That they consigned us the Gold sent
thither by Mr. Shaw, and tho’ ho had only acquainted them, with the Prices
of two Sorts, yet as there woro several different kinds, they imagined it to be
an omission of his, aud had wrote him accordingly.
From Agent and Council at Gombroon to the President and Governor and Council, Bombay.
Hon’ble Sin and Sibs,
This address your Honour, etc., will receive via Muscat, and is to
(Lotler from). give you the disagreable News of the French having taken the Hon’ble Com
Capturo of the
Engliah Factory pany’s Factory, tuey came iQto the Road on the 12th in the evening, with Four
bj the French. Ships under Dutch Colours, one of which was a vessel of sixty four Guns, ono
of twenty two Guns with the Mary belonging to Chellaby and the maraoody
belonging to Mahomet Soffy on the 13th early in the morning, they landed to
the westward of the Faotory with two mortars and four pieces of Cannon and
began to batter, we, on our parts, did what tho few number of Europeans we
had wou’d admit of. As to the Topasses and seepoys, few of them would stand
to the Guns, about 11 o’clock being high water, their ship of tweuty two
Guns, hauled withiu about one quarter of a mile of the Factory, and began to
play on us, at the same time, they ashore played on us, with their mortars and
guns from the Westward.
At about half an hour past three iu the afternoon, a summons was sent
from the French Camp, upon which the Agent called a Council of War
consisting of himself William Nash, Lieutenuuts Bembou and Evans and
Ensign Johnson, wherein the strength of the House was considered, with the
People we had to defend it, and our being sure of having no succour from
Moolah Ally Shaw. The Military Gentlemen were of unanimous Opinion
that the house was not tenable upon which it was unanimously agreed to
make the best terms we could, aud that night the same was agreed on, as p.
oopv of the capitulation herewith enclosed, but sorry we are to remark
the same has not been observed, in the manner we might have expected
from Europeans, they have gone so far as to take away a few liquors wo had
for our use and many other things unnecessary at present to trouble your
Hnour, eto., with, to be brief they comply with the articles just as they like.
The French are at present embarldug the old copper, and unloading the
Mamoodie, whose oargoe consisting of Dates they have given to Moolah Ally
Shaw, who supplies them with every thing in his power, at present by wbut
we can perceive their stay here will be no longer, than needs must, aud will
go to some Port in India.