Page 213 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 213


               Tlio French had on shore, when they took possession of the Factory
           according to the best accounts we oou’d take, about four hundred and fifty
           Europeans and one hundred and fifty Co (Trees, they had brought Bamboes
           with them and made soalling ladders, and were determined to have scaled the
           House, on the 13th at night.
              On the 12th wo had Intelligence of the French, having been at Muscat,
           and woro bound further up the Gulpli, upon which Lieutenant I3embou was
           ordered to carry the Speedwell to loft, but before ho oou’d get under weigh, the
           French appeared, and prevented his complying with orders, which being
           perceived, he was told to run the ship ashore, but being pursued very close by
           the Twenty two gun ship, and the Tide flowing and having two sails set, she
           floated, and the French sent People, and took possession of her so they have
           now Five ships.
              On the 12th while the French ships were standing into the Road, Moolah
          Ally Shaw came to the Factory and gave the Agent all imaginable assur­
          ances, of his a If oi ding us assistance and that if the Fronch attempted to
          land he would do what in power to prevent it but on his being sent to in
          the morning and acquainted that they were approaching the shore in order to
          land instead of performing his Promise he remained quiet in his Fort, and
          tho* about ten o’clock the Agent requested he would send a few men to our
          assistance, yet not a man cou’d bo got, the reason he assigned for not doing it,
          was that one of his ships which was at anchor in the anchor was in their Power,
          and that if he alforded us assistance of men, they would certainly carry her
          away; tho’ to bo brief, he was really afraid of the French, and not long after
          their landing, sent them such refreshments of greens and fruits, as tho season
          afforded, telling them he would supply them, with whatever in his Power and
          the Place afforded.
              Out of the few number of Europeans we had, we beg leave to acquaint
          your Honour elc., that Ensign Johnston, and Serjeant Ranscommon, were
          so much indisposed as to be able to do no duty, the day we were attacked.
              The Freuch have sent the Europeans and Topasses on board tbeir ships
          and have given liberty to the seepoys to go where they like.
              According to the best Intelligence, we can get the French have positive
          orders to demolish the Factory saying the English demolished tbeir Settlement at
          Chardanagore, tbo* for the present to keep thing smoothed with Moola Ali
          Shaw they tell him a they will make him present thereof, at the same time
          they tell our gentlemen, they have no suoh design, and that its only done to
          amuse him for the present, being in waut of his assistance Messrs. Bembou
          Evans, Johnston and Maiuwaring, now repair, at their own particular request
          to Bombay.
              The Two French Ships were fitted out from the Islands, and as they
          say, on purpose for this place, aud had been just five weeks from theuce, when
          they arrived here.
              So soon as tno Frenoh are gone, wo shall endevour to get down this year’s
          investment of wool, and endevour to procure money, to send the linguist for
          to pay for the same, aud should any Guard Ship have left Bombay with woolen
          goods, for this place o’er this roaches your Honour etc., we shall take those
          ashore for market, aud afterwards send the vessel to Bussorah; at preseut
          Wooleus ave iu doinaud in the iuland Parts, according to the information we
          have received.
            2/68 F.D
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