Page 211 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 211


           Factory's servants boing absent at the Islands, the Arabs had broke open their Attaok of Arabs
           houses and carried away doors, timber, &c., of which complaint was made by
           the Agent to the Doputy Govcrnour, who desired its being his people, but
           dosirod the ngressors might bo seized, and he would punish them ; that our
           people accordingly catcked some Arab soldiers and were leading them to the
           Doputy Governor when they drew their swords, called for assistance from the
           Fort, and cut several Men, among whom was one of their Shotters, and tho'
           application was made several times, no redress could be obtained, as they
           understood, they were part of a Tribe nobody but Shaik Rama dared to punish
           and who joined to tho Oharack Arabs had fitted out armed trankeys, under
           pretence of cruizing on Shaik Hat-ten and Mcer Manna, tho latter of whom as
           well as those Arabs, seized every Vessel they could lay their hands on, so that
           it was probable, tho Gulpli would soou be full of Petty Robera. That Mahomet
           Reza Caun formerly Governour of a District in the Carmenia Road had come
           into Town under pretonco of paying the Agent a visit, but whose real Design
           was to borrow 500 Tomaunds, and as he was a man who had some Influence
           on Mahomet Velly Caun, they hud treated him with the utmost Civility, but
           had given him a Refusal in as easy Terms as possible. That Carem Caun was
           at Tarroun endeavouring to reestablish Spahaun in order to euoourage
           people to settle there had exempted them from taxes for three years. Thar.
           Shyrash was governed by his brother Shadduck Caun, and that Nasseir Caun
           was still at Llior, whose chiof dependence was on it’s strength, and the fidelity
           of his men. They enclosed a Copy of a letter from the Commander of the
           Guard Vessel, which they hoped would convince us of tho necessity for their
           detaining the Viper, which as we seemod desirous of having her, and Mahomet
           Velly Caun was retired, they ventured to return, but submitted to us, whether
           their Garrison of Blacks was sufficient during the then situation of affairs in
           that Kingdom. That as the Speedwell had lost several of her People, they
           had supplied her with a corporal and ten topasses, and as the Commander had
           represented she was very leaky, which had prevented their sending her to
           Bussorah they desired to know if they should lade on her any Carmenia Wool
           on her being relieved. That they returned tho old Detachment of Military
           except the above Corporal & Topasses and tho Seepoys which were sent on
           board the Swallow at the Commander’s request. That they had delivered to
           Captain Juce, the Cask of Beef received from the Admiral Watson & that
           Captain Crichton of the Speedwell died the 12th ultimo.

                               Public Department Diary No. 32.
                             Bombay Castle, Saturday, 7th July 1759.
              Arrived the Swallow with a Letter from the Agent and Council at Gombroon
          Gombroon and ono from the Resident at Bussorah.                    (Latter from).
              The former was under the 9th ultimo, and advised that they had laden
          on the Swallow, sundries to tho amount of Shahees 933,202-1 Goz. They
          enclosed copy of a Paragraph from Mr. Shaw, by which they said, we would
          perceive the reason of Captain Parkinson’s not coming for tho Woolens,  as
          was expected, also Mr. Shaw’s request for a fresh Supply of Goods which they
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