Page 220 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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Agent accompanied by Captain Baillie wont over and had a conforcnco with
him, whon ho expressed himself well pleased with our getting on the island but
would bo by no means consent to delivering up the Fort and tho’ as ho was an
avaricious man a sum of money was offered him, he would by no means hear
of it. Captain Baillio was therefore consulted as to tho expediency of
taking it with tho foroe they then had, copy of whoso answer they enclosed,'and roprosented tho improbability of getting possession of it,..tliro* Nossir
UUboKB?BnThald Cnun, ns ho was too sensible how much Gombroon henofited by tlioir being
t^pUco^Tha11 f°r ^iero an(* would therefore never be instrumental in their removing, and tho*
pUcowaa.barren, tho Ormuso people acknowledged him for their Chief, they had not yet
paid a duo obedience to his orders and it was rumoured they and tho
Biniminc Arabs had agreed to reside on the Island together, and that
tho latter desiring to romovo to Gombroon was only a oloak to their
design, and to get away from Carack. That the Island Ormuso was quite
barrren, Moolah Ally Shaw having had his chief supplies from tho main.
That there was one well on tho Island and that two league distance from
tho Fort about which, however there were several Reservoirs for water but
were out of repair, and in it they were told wore two Tanks capable of bolding
a twelve months’ water, for two hundred men. That tho parapets of the Fort
were much out of repair and tho buildings in a ruinous condition and tho
Agent was told it would cost 80,000 Rupees to put it in proper order. That
there was on the Island about 300 people, 100 of which wore soldiers for its
defence. That their sepoys had received no testimony alledged they received
at Surat but as Chief and Council there sent them no account and they had
received no directions from us, they had deferred paying till they had our
orders. They advised Mr. Mash’s being dead and desired more Assistants
enolosed a list of stores'wanting in our consignment per Godophin and men
tioned their having received the perpets per lively and their having had very
seekly season. That by a letter from Nassir Caun they imagined he was then
within 10 Leagues of them, and .they learnt he had ordered Jaffer Caun to
attend him, as also tho Governor of Hodjiaband, with what force be could
A raise, as from tbence he intended sending troops of Kislimo and would soon be
at Gombroon. They enclosed copy of a letter just received from Mr. Shaw at
h Bussorah, and desired we would send no more woollen goods till we heard from
i them as their remains were large.
Publio Department Diary No. 85.
Bombay Castle, 17th October 1760.
Gombroon, letter Imported the Brake Ketch with a letter from the Agent and Council at
Gombroon, dated the 3rd instant, advising that the Resident at Bussorah, had
acquainted them under the 15th April, that rupees not being procurable be
had sent VeDeatins Nadarees which they now forwarded thither and
desired to know how they turned out, that they might advise the Resident
accordingly. That the Resident had advised them, several of the Goods sent
per Admiral Pocock, were damaged and that he had protested against the
Commander for tho same and returned his Bill of Lading for its being adjusted
by them which they had not been able to do, as tho Commander only said