Page 222 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 222
Oharles Waters, Indisposed.
Read & approvod our consultation of yesterday boing our last.
We approve the orders the Agent and Council at Gombroon have givon
Messrs. Shaw and Garden not to continue oolleoting the shipping present, and
8haw bunder &c., duties on English Vessels, any longer than lias Deon requi
site, to reimburse our IEon’blo Masters the expenoo, they have incurred on
Their intention
with reapeot to the these accounts, and wo would have the Agent and Council rcquiro thoso
collecting duties at
Basso rah. gentlemen to transmit an exact account of what has been collected particular
ising what each ships or vessel has paid, and the real ohargo whioh has
attended it.
It must be remarked that the Agent and Council have confined their
sentiments, with rospeot to removing from Gombroon merely to the Island of
The Ormuse, whereas in our letter of tho 11th March last, we required the Agent’s
removing'* ^from opixiioxi^ of any place of security in the Gulph, he might judge propor for
thence ooneidered. that purpose which he must be repeated to him to comply with as soon as
possible and as the present confused state of the country adjacent to Gombroon
and the different news of thoso in power there prove their advices are so con
tinually fluctuating we can give no directions with certainty that may perhaps
Latitude to bo correspond with the situation, affairs may be in, when the York arrives there.
giren them.
We must so circumstanceed in a good measure leave affairs to the discretion
of the Agent and Council, recommending it to them, to take the most effec
tual means or such as shall appear so to them, on the spot for the security of
our Hon’ble Masters’ property giving them power to remove where they may
think proper, if they deem their property in danger there, and recommending
it to them, to send the woollens, if unsold, to other ports in the Gulph or
even to JBussorah, if no immediate probable vend offers at Gombroon, and
themselves to accompany them in the Swalloow, if neoessary but they must be
directed at all events, to return by this ship, all the treasure copper wool &o.
Batin«»of tbeir articles they can, together with the Military and Artillery, Officers and
bj^i^gu'iat^tfl^bi detachment, keeping the sepoys only there, and in the case the Agent removes
2 left there.
one covenant servant must be left at Gombroon, with the linguist for receiving
l the wool investment.
i Loess to the The Agent and Council submitting to the loan of one Thousand (1,000)
I be eToided.0**"'!° Tomaunds, to Nasser Caun, seems to have been a oase of necessity, but suoh should
be avoided as there is no end of those impositions, when once submitted to, and
it is to avoid them, that we point out, the Agents removal to Bussorali, or
elsewhere or only going with the goods for a time, to other ports, as they shall
judge most for the Hon’ble Company’s interest. They must be acquired that
our intention is to wait for our Hon’ble Masters’ sentiments and directions
before we can think of laying out much money any where for security, especially
at Gombroon, and our present views regarding the French will not permit us
at present to recur to hostile measures, should such from subsequent advices
be thought necessary on all which and as to the most proper places for a
settlement, wo must demand the Agents dear and explicit sentiments, tho
if any other place is fixed on we still think, a House with a servant at
Gombroon will be necessary in order to preserve a communication with
Carmania, and also to keep open an intercourse with the Caravans, that may
come from the interior Provinces of Persia.
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