Page 322 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 322

                Europe ntid cUcwhcrc : the ground i* covered with   Tho atovo description of the buying cap.vjf
                matting locally plaited in tlie Gulf or, in the   of the population applies solely to thc rural n J
                bettor houses, with felts and carpels manufactured   tribal dL-tricts of tlic littoral: the demand f
                in Furs by the nomad tribes, ('hairs and tables   European articles and the general standard ^
                tire Only seen in the houses of Khar.?. The walls   living and luxury in thc towns is on a consider!
                are of mortar or mud plaster: in tin* better houses  ably higher scale.
                whitewashed l «t quite bare of ornament. 'lh" Xo separate statistics arc available as icrrari
                 roofs of lhe*c village houses are u-niaby supported  the consumption of goods along the littoral* I
                 by beams formed by the trunks of date palms : date  prices arc largely governed by the state of l.usin«K
                branches make an excellent thatch : window glass  upoountry, and to gauge accurately condition*
                 is rarely seen the town except in the houses  affecting the towns of the interior dnrinn* lOll.i-**
                 of Chief, and similarly t*»ak doors. The bulk of a  ft js i,tvo<?;iry to describe events in some detan*
                 tribesman’s belongings con-usds of lidding, metal  especially regarding the routes to the interior ’
                 trays for food, a little cro.kcry, c basins, earth- Vrom'm^ onwards deterioration in the sh,
                 enware  ami ci.a.nclwa.o; Jisl.cs, tra-glasres with   R,of se.urity tl.rouEW
                 earthenware saucers, al-o teapots, generally »»f „VUr:ty in 191.-1912. Southern l\ r<:a has »  *
                 Russian manufacture, earthenware plates, metal  inark.Ji Pn5r,.liy has each  year been worse than?
                 copper cauldrons for cooking; wwden or some-  thc similar season of the previous  year and H
                 times tin chests as receptacles.     cfTicton trade is clearly defined in many wavs
                  On thc other hand, for dress the Southern Per- It may, however, be said at once that the f.a.-t
                 sian tribesman is almost entirely dependent on that the total import and export trade through
                 imported cotton-goods: in fact the only articles  Ku-diire in the year under report showed a larn.
                 locally manufactured are his ‘ kulah ' (a high and | imrea-e on the trade of 1010-11, has little relation
                 6tiff hat of black or broivu fell), his 'abba' oi j with the real position in the interior. As far 23
                 out* r cloak of cainels-liair or wool, and his' mahkF j imports wore concerned the bulk of the increase
                 or footwear of rough canvas uppers finishing in a , came in cottons, and was due (i) to the exccssSe
                 point,’with soles of old cottoin or cloth folded, * cr« dit allowed hy some firms, (ii) to competition
                 macerated and beaten into layers, reinforced by : for vanity’s sake betweeu Persian importing
                 strifs of hide and with horn or hide plates under agents, and (iii) to confidence unfortunately mi>
                 the heels and toes. The col tea textiles which are  placed in the restoration  of ord r  in Pars under
                 used for dross of tribesmen and cultivators are  Xizim-«s-SuUaneli: while as far  as related to
                 de-crihed under thc heading “ Imv-.uts—Cotton- exports, the increase was entirely due to a larger
                 goods."                            ' export of opium, of which the market value Lad
                  A rifie cartridge-belt and a cheap telescope  in  j advanced gr. atly on that of 1910-11, and to the
                 & slim- make up the rest of his outdt.   ' export of grain from the littoral in the immediate
                  At the vam* lime the material pr«reritv of the ;   °f  .li,,il,ir.e' ".hi,°,h Is comparatively little
                 inhabitants of the littoral is hy no means low: | olloeleJ hy ,,county of the tntertor.
                 thev feed themselves remarkably well: probably |   , * actual results of the insecurity on the roads
                 few beads of families expend less than  the value  ; an<* disorder throughout the provmce are not easily
                 of L\ in money or kind each month.   i ai‘l»fre:it froir. the trade statistics and require
                   ,    1 r si \             1   • explanation. They may be summed up under the
                  A perusal of the above will, tt hoped, give a  he‘aJ; of (u) K.rormoutly Increased prices of
                 smalt idea of the economic condition prevailing  lransport ;Q,0 (he interior: J) Losses b/Persian
                 m the immediate hinterland of B^lnre, and make mert.hants unabie l0 obtain in Wd centres ,
                 it clear that conditions are primitive and that  buvi price 6uffi,icnt to cover both original in-
                 there ,s no fresh ground to be exploited by manu-  T0;ce =ri‘c and COit of (ratlSport. (c) J,.;mSat!ooof
                 factl.rcrs and carters in Great Britain m the  arcJ of market for goods from the Persian Gulf
                 unm*’diut? present. The interior is not yet a  wht.n tbrown int0 competition with goods trans-
                 coantry for the commercial traveller:   ported more cheaply, from the North : (rf) Impos-
                  Railway transport might change matters, but   sibility of safe communication between provincial
                the only openings, which now suggest them­  centres like Shiraz and the surrounding country
                selves as possible, are such as: introduction or   di>tri. ts, owing to continuous fighting, raiding and
                adaptation of machinery in the neighbourhood of   marauding; and, consequently, reduced sales to
                the po:t8 for the treatment of dite fibre and   the country districts: (c) Congtslion of goods in
                manufacture of matting, rope and many similar   the provincial centres as the result of the above
                products: agricultural machinery, with which ex­  causes, combined with excessive quantities of goods
                periments have never been made in this hinterland,   ordered out from Europe: (/*) In consequent^
                and which is an economic need, though sales could   largely increased indebtedness of Persian firms
                only scientifically be developed by a firm with an   working on European credit, or forced 6ales of
                agency in the country, able <0 find out require­  goods at prices involving a heavy loss in order
                ments on thc spot, and educate the people up to a   to meet bills and obligations.
                demand for it: the manufacture in Europe of such   Financially, the full elTect of this year of larg*
                implements as iron “ fails " or spade-heads of a par­  import and dislocation of sales may not be ap­
                ticular shape: machine-made imitations at cheaper   parent for some little time to come, but there
                prices of woven “Abbas" (woollen or camel-hair   is every reason to apprehend a crash in the near
                cloaks): imitations of the national felt head-dress   future, when even Persian merchants with larp*
                of the Southern Persian called “kubbs," now sold   capital of their own,—and they are not many-
                in bazars for Krans 4-S (li. Od. to 3s ) ea* h : and   wili l*e badly hit. Already cautious firms^a^
                imitations of their national foot-wear (Malikis)   reducing their imports apd commitments in ^oo*
                often home-made, but commonly sold for 6 Krans   them Persia, 6ome agencies in the Provincr
                [it. 3d.) to Krans 10 (3*. 9J.) per pair in bazaars   centres have been closed, other firms aro fC<y?
                of towns.                            safer market* than Persia, while the outstaDu,nfi*
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