Page 326 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 326
1911. The following (able gives somo record (,r '
rervations at Bashirc for tlio winter censor* q ^
On March 21st Pair* were a! par. ber to May for purpose of comparison :__
March 23:h . 1 jer cent, discount.
April 13:h 1 m
April 2/th U - *r«he*.
May 3:«t u - m IS90-91 • -<>7J
July 25th 21 - m 1^91-03 • 2l«:3
Bn^tomler 2->lh 3 «« 1SW-9J . 4'J)
October 22nl • 31 - m 189J-00 . U\*l
November 15lh 4 1001-01 • 3-JO
Decern1 er 5th • U - m 1002-03 • 1016
December 21st l 99 m 1900-07 . 8-04
1907-08 . G9i
19:2. . C41
1939-10 . 1G33
Jn'iuarr 17lh • par. 1910- 11 . 20-29
Febiuarr 13ih. 1 per cent, discount. 1911- 12 ^ 090
Weather ani R.u«fall.
dijlnct, for not do l=*y enaUo tl« pa n to wh,a a short „ riSultcd in .,G ^
swai and materially morose ,1* ,**.,Ut«ilhoul ,mt attr,,toJ Httlo notice out-1,1c those affect,d'
11,-se nuns the sun dnr.nS that month .s too In „ ; f 1 '.'11 a severer outbreak lJthw
strong for the >'0,1”= con, and imickly parches ,t. Jn„e t,lrr;vJ ,„T ,J5 j . -
The mins o. l»ll were .mlcoU perfect for the , :llann0(, tll0 rOpulal;0n> Lev ’of
requirements of agriculturists, and a bumper ; Bushin*. Mh n, therefore, pligoe reappeared early
crop resulted.
, in February !'.5i’2, an<I speedily assumedstv«re j ro-
When the rains began In tbc very beginning of j portions, exodus of inhabitants followed.
November 1911, and by January 1912 over 9 j The quarantine authorities endeavoured to combat
inches bad fallen a second prosperous year was the epidemic, and relieve anxiety by urging tip
expected, and ploughing was pushed forward to people to present themselves for inoculation, and
the ulmo-t extent Infortunately the rains up to a certain point were successful, over 4.U0U
failed entirely during February, March and April inoculatious being made, amongst whom very few
J !J ]2, - with the result lh t the yield was in many fatal oases occurred. The epidemic lasted till tin
cases one-quarter of that of a good year. The middle of June, the number of cases,reported U-
total rainfall for the year under report was 12 0 ) ing 963 and the numUr of deaths 729, or 75 per
inches: for the season only 9 90 inches. A cent. The bightst mortality in one week was 122.
year with good rains in February and March and In Bushire, with a town of about 20,000 in
cool winds will almost always be found to be a habitants, and the total population on (be island
year for export, and Erins interested in exports about 25,000, such a heavy sickness and mortality
from Southern Persia should 6tudy the meteorolo
naturally brought nearly all business’to a stand
gical reports.
still. During March, April and May'it is calculat
ed that over h,000 pepole left the town, and either
went into the iaferior, or to villages along the coast,
1909-10. 1910-1L. 1911-12. or to Basrah, Baghdad and the Shiah Holy places.
From April to May the bazaars, except for pro
visions, remain-d almost entirely closed and no
business could be done by importers. Manual
Inches. Inches. Inch os.
labour was unobtainable and coolies for unloading
21st March to 027 1*S0 3-02 vessels scarce. Many of these who lied from the
31st March. town have not returned, ai d the whole population
is awaiting anxiously to see whether the ep:dcinic
April 1*34 007
returns in the spring of lit 13. Should it do f0<
October 094 a general exodus is expected, and not impioLably
will be, to some extent, permanent, while lasting
November • 0-17 0-30 377 damage will be done to local business.
December . 8-25 11*30 1*96
Plague also penetrated inland to villages al-out
January . 2-83 4*22 329
30 miles distant. This epidemic may be foun
February . 0-53 0*26 039 der'd one of the causes, which has confronted to
the congestion of stocks of cottons imported.
March up to 20.h 1-53 0-99 010
Apart from epidemic, the mortality statist-**
for the year w^re 398 adults and 201 child1*1®'
Total 1609 18*77 1200
a3 agiinst a total mortality of 637 in 1910-1
uud 965 in 1909-10.