Page 326 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 326

                              1911.                        The following (able gives somo record (,r '
                                                        rervations at Bashirc for tlio winter censor* q ^
                    On March 21st         Pair* were a! par.  ber to May for purpose of comparison :__
                      March 23:h   .      1 jer cent, discount.
                      April 13:h          1       m
                      April 2/th          U -                                       *r«he*.
                       May 3:«t           u -     m        IS90-91                  •  -<>7J
                      July 25th           21 -    m        1^91-03                  •  2l«:3
                      Bn^tomler 2->lh     3       ««       1SW-9J                   .  4'J)
                      October 22nl •      31   -  m        189J-00                  . U\*l
                       November 15lh      4                1001-01                  •  3-JO
                      Decern1 er 5th •    U -     m        1002-03                  •  1016
                       December 21st      l  99   m        1900-07                  .  8-04
                                                           1907-08                  . G9i
                              19:2.                                                 .  C41
                                                           1939-10                  . 1G33
                       Jn'iuarr 17lh •    par.             1910- 11                 . 20-29
                       Febiuarr 13ih.     1 per cent, discount.  1911- 12           ^ 090

                    Weather ani R.u«fall.
                   dijlnct, for not do l=*y enaUo tl« pa n to   wh,a a short „   riSultcd in .,G   ^
                   swai and materially morose ,1* ,**.,Ut«ilhoul ,mt attr,,toJ Httlo notice out-1,1c those affect,d'
                   11,-se nuns the sun dnr.nS that month .s too In „   ; f 1 '.'11 a severer outbreak lJthw
                   strong for the >'0,1”= con, and imickly parches ,t. Jn„e t,lrr;vJ ,„T ,J5   j .   -
                   The mins o. l»ll were .mlcoU perfect for the , :llann0(, tll0 rOpulal;0n> Lev ’of
                   requirements of agriculturists, and a bumper   ; Bushin*. Mh n, therefore, pligoe reappeared early
                   crop resulted.
                                                       , in February !'.5i’2, an<I speedily assumedstv«re j ro-
                     When the rains began In tbc very beginning of j portions, exodus of inhabitants followed.
                   November 1911, and by January 1912 over 9 j The quarantine authorities endeavoured to combat
                   inches bad fallen a second prosperous year was the epidemic, and relieve anxiety by urging tip
                   expected, and ploughing was pushed forward to people to present themselves for inoculation, and
                   the ulmo-t extent Infortunately the rains up to a certain point were successful, over 4.U0U
                   failed entirely during February, March and April inoculatious being made, amongst whom very few
                   J !J ]2, - with the result lh t the yield was in many  fatal oases occurred. The epidemic lasted till tin
                   cases one-quarter of that of a good year. The  middle of June, the number of cases,reported U-
                   total rainfall for the year under report was 12 0 )  ing 963 and the numUr of deaths 729, or 75 per
                   inches: for the season only 9 90 inches. A  cent. The bightst mortality in one week was 122.
                   year with good rains in February and March and   In Bushire, with a town of about 20,000 in­
                   cool winds will almost always be found to be a   habitants, and the total population on (be island
                   year for export, and Erins interested in exports   about 25,000, such a heavy sickness and mortality
                   from Southern Persia should 6tudy the meteorolo­
                                                        naturally brought nearly all business’to a stand­
                   gical reports.
                                                        still. During March, April and May'it is calculat­
                                                        ed that over h,000 pepole left the town, and either
                                                        went into the iaferior, or to villages along the coast,
                                1909-10.  1910-1L.   1911-12.  or to Basrah, Baghdad and the Shiah Holy places.
                                                        From April to May the bazaars, except for pro­
                                                         visions, remain-d almost entirely closed and no
                                                         business could be done by importers. Manual
                                 Inches.  Inches.  Inch os.
                                                         labour was unobtainable and coolies for unloading
                   21st March to   027    1*S0    3-02   vessels scarce. Many of these who lied from the
                     31st March.                         town have not returned, ai d the whole population
                                                         is awaiting anxiously to see whether the ep:dcinic
                   April          1*34            007
                                                         returns in the spring of lit 13. Should it do f0<
                   October        094                    a general exodus is expected, and not impioLably
                                                         will be, to some extent, permanent, while lasting
                   November •     0-17    0-30    377    damage will be done to local business.
                    December .    8-25    11*30   1*96
                                                           Plague also penetrated inland to villages al-out
                    January .     2-83    4*22    329
                                                         30 miles distant. This epidemic may be foun­
                    February .    0-53    0*26    039    der'd one of the causes, which has confronted to
                                                         the congestion of stocks of cottons imported.
                    March up to 20.h  1-53  0-99  010
                                                           Apart from epidemic, the mortality statist-**
                                                         for the year w^re 398 adults and 201 child1*1®'
                       Total     1609     18*77  1200
                                                         a3 agiinst a total mortality of 637 in 1910-1
                                                         uud 965 in 1909-10.
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