Page 328 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 328
. It is nil the more to be regret led lb at the blstan, Luristan and Western Persia to K-liuram*
British shipping companies concerned did not pay lad, thDUgh neither of these railways wr„«j
the same careful attention *.o the needs of shippers be lik.'ly to affect the trade nulialinr; fp
ruj is shown by the foreign companies : great Bushire. But on the Bushirc-Shiraz-Ippa},.^
dissatisfaction was expressed by all owing to the route Persian merchants have a belter knowled?^
manner in *b»ch space was refused, to Buslr.rc of, and are more in touch with, the ccor.otiv'<«
exjvrt cauro, and the claims of Bushire put aside advantages derived from railway traction in
to suit With so sensitive a clientele as and Karo pc than in most parts of South. rn
the Persian exporter, it is a pity that shipping Persia; and ajnrt from the question of qu:,.^.r
comp, inies do not 6how themselves rnare accommo- transport l>y rail, the trading population in gcr>e.
dating rally alive to two great drawbacks in Pcr#i.,n
The que-tion of Lighterage at ports in the trade at present.
Persian Gulf, and Bushire in particular, is an (0 Import trade.—The pricc'of transport !,*
other in«t luce of lack of initiative, and lack of caravans has become prohibitive, and is checkin^
combin ition on the part of the Companies. A the expansion of import trade.
Lighterage Companies has been a need, urged by
the Shipping Agents themselves, and it is for the In normal years, before the institution of the
Shipping Companies interested to take the necess Persian constitution, it is reckoned that at loan
£ tO,000 was paid for hire between Bushire and
ity str*ps, and not for the consignees:, for w^re
consignees to be left to tbeir own inclination Shiraz, only some lbo miles. These rates worktj
regarding such a concern, experience in the Gulf cat at ^bont 1J krans = 5J/f. per ton per mile for
makes it oc.tain that the first to protest against • the upward journey, and for the downward jour
mismanagement, losses and d.days to steamers ney about \ kran (2$*/.) per mile.
wonl l be the Shipping Companies. During recent years of disorder, however, as
The great advant ige which a proper Light- much as .170,000—£SO,«iOO has been paid annu-
erage Company, with two or injre steam-launches ! ally for transport hire. This can well be seen
for tugging purposes would confer, is quick des- from the figures given for the year under report,
patch of steamers at all times of the year. where as regards imports up-country alone an
Export freights for genera’ cargo to the United aT«raS? ra|° of 2°-'2.5 ,0™ns UT,10&
Kingdom opened at iU. ’id. per ton, andoonti- ! amuta-.aed. Re.Umng two moles to the 11>U
„ued steady till February : ™ns. ani1 an avmSe departure of 3,000 males
and March ll'li, when i op-««>=ir? every month we get a total cost of
27.. and 25.. Gd. were charged. //Heat a,id io-’.Of'O-foO.l'OO paid for mule lure. Cost <f
Bar'eg opened in Mav 1011 at 17a. Gd. per ton ; '-ownw^rd transport is often only one-fonrth or
of IS cwts. wheat, and 1G cwt>. barley; were ^no-fifth that of upward transport, but at leist
raised to 20*. at the end of October lull daring j -15,001 to £20,000 cannot be an excessive esti-
the height of the buying season, and the n<e for ! taa^c*
a time materially affected purohis*'*s by British j As to the weight of merchandize transport'd
firms, more especially as German competitors had up country,
a.ready the advantage of lower freights : in March
1 U2 rates were again advanced to 23*. when I
further export became out of the question. 10CC-53. 10CS-O iro-io. xvio-ii. uii.;i
Opium ruled at 20*. per eh°st from March
1911 till the end of theyeir, but from January Ton*. I Tons. Tons. ; Tor... • Tons.
to March 1*J12 was charged 25*.
Comparison of rates to the United Kingdom : Total Import, to 13,321 IG.9SI •6,404 13,879 16.557
general cargo. Bushlrfl wore j
£ m. d. £ «. d. Of tie above prols 11,415 12,571 13,578 10,025 13,451
1007-03 . . 10 0 0 15 0 capable of transport:
under the present
1903-09 . . 0 15 0 0 17 6 •jstera weighed
1909- 10 . • 0 17 6 10 0
1910- 11 . • 10 0 15 0 Amount, of principal j 8,714 ' 7,431 7.511
lion of good.,
1911- 12 . .12 6 17 0 tranj;ortcd to !
Shiran, have been I
Rates for general cargo to India remained estimated at
firm at 10 rupees (13*. id.) per ton of 40 c. ft.
or 20 cwts.
Dit-'s weakened slightly from Rs. 15—17 to
Rs. 15 —13 per package. and as regards 1910-11, whereas 10,025 tons may
be said to represent goods normally capable of
Skins Rs. 25 per ton of 20 cwts " consumption in the interior, information actually
Cotton Rs. 2 to 2-4-0 per bale collected from all principal forwarding merchants
Rosewater Re. 1 per case • remained the in Bushire gave a total of 5,90b tons. A ^further
Opium to Hongkong Rs. 25 per same as in 1,000 to 2,(m0 tons may he added for goods not
chest 1910-11. covered by this information and for forwarding*
Considerable interest has been awakened by by petty traders.
Ertaomie Dcrrl jpment.: the announcement of pro- (tV) On the other hand, the export trade of
IUilW'ija jects for concessions for a Southern Persia is, as regards interior rcduvvJ
Trans-Persian railway, and for a line from to 6uch produce as will repay the price of transport
Monammerab on the Persian Gulf through Are- to the coast. Gr iin and most seeds acd berf <*