Page 328 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 328


               . It is nil the more to be regret led lb at the   blstan, Luristan and Western Persia to K-liuram*
              British shipping companies concerned did not pay   lad, thDUgh neither of these railways wr„«j
              the same careful attention *.o the needs of shippers   be lik.'ly to affect the trade nulialinr; fp
              ruj is shown by the foreign companies : great   Bushire. But on the Bushirc-Shiraz-Ippa},.^
              dissatisfaction was expressed by all owing to the   route Persian merchants have a belter knowled?^
              manner in *b»ch space was refused, to Buslr.rc   of, and are more in touch with, the ccor.otiv'<«
              exjvrt cauro, and the claims of Bushire put aside   advantages derived from railway traction in
              to suit With so sensitive a clientele as   and Karo pc than in most parts of South. rn
              the Persian exporter, it is a pity that shipping   Persia; and ajnrt from the question of qu:,.^.r
              comp,  inies do not 6how themselves rnare accommo-  transport l>y rail, the trading population in gcr>e.
              dating                               rally alive to two great drawbacks in Pcr#i.,n
                The que-tion of Lighterage at ports in the   trade at present.
              Persian Gulf, and Bushire in particular, is an­  (0 Import trade.—The pricc'of transport !,*
              other in«t luce of lack of initiative, and lack of   caravans has become prohibitive, and is checkin^
              combin ition on the part of the Companies. A   the expansion of import trade.
              Lighterage Companies has been a need, urged by
              the Shipping Agents themselves, and it is for the   In normal years, before the institution of the
              Shipping Companies interested to take the necess­  Persian constitution, it is reckoned that at loan
                                                    £ tO,000 was paid for hire between Bushire and
              ity str*ps, and not for the consignees:, for w^re
              consignees to be left to tbeir own inclination   Shiraz, only some lbo miles. These rates worktj
              regarding such a concern, experience in the Gulf   cat at ^bont 1J krans = 5J/f. per ton per mile for
              makes it oc.tain that the first to protest against •   the upward journey, and for the downward jour­
              mismanagement, losses and d.days to steamers  ney about \ kran (2$*/.) per mile.
              wonl l be the Shipping Companies.       During recent years of disorder, however, as
                 The great advant ige which a proper Light- much as .170,000—£SO,«iOO has been paid annu-
              erage Company, with two or injre steam-launches ! ally for transport hire. This can well be seen
              for tugging purposes would confer, is quick des- from the figures given for the year under report,
              patch of steamers at all times of the year.   where as regards imports up-country alone an
                 Export freights for genera’ cargo to the United  aT«raS? ra|° of 2°-'2.5 ,0™ns UT,10&
              Kingdom opened at iU. ’id. per ton, andoonti-  ! amuta-.aed. Re.Umng two moles to the 11>U
                               „ued steady till February : ™ns. ani1 an avmSe departure of 3,000 males
                               and March ll'li, when i op-««>=ir? every month we get a total cost of
              27.. and 25.. Gd. were charged. //Heat a,id  io-’.Of'O-foO.l'OO paid for mule lure.   Cost <f
              Bar'eg opened in Mav 1011 at 17a. Gd. per ton  ; '-ownw^rd transport is often only one-fonrth  or
              of IS cwts. wheat, and 1G cwt>. barley; were ^no-fifth that of upward transport, but at leist
              raised to 20*. at the end of October lull daring j -15,001 to £20,000 cannot be an excessive esti-
              the height of the buying season, and the n<e for ! taa^c*
              a time materially affected purohis*'*s by British j As to the weight of merchandize transport'd
              firms, more especially as German competitors had up country,
              a.ready the advantage of lower freights : in March
              1 U2 rates were again advanced to 23*. when                          I
              further export became out of the question.          10CC-53. 10CS-O iro-io. xvio-ii. uii.;i
                 Opium ruled at 20*. per eh°st from March
               1911 till the end of theyeir, but from January     Ton*. I Tons.  Tons. ; Tor... • Tons.
              to March 1*J12 was charged 25*.
                 Comparison of rates to the United Kingdom :   Total Import, to 13,321 IG.9SI  •6,404 13,879  16.557
              general cargo.                         Bushlrfl wore    j
                                £ m.    d. £ «. d.  Of tie above prols 11,415 12,571  13,578 10,025 13,451
                 1007-03 .    .  10   0   0 15 0     capable of transport:
                                                     under the present
                 1903-09 .    .  0 15   0  0 17 6    •jstera weighed
                 1909- 10 .   •   0 17   6  10 0
                 1910- 11 .   •   10   0  15 0      Amount, of principal j 8,714 ' 7,431  7.511
                                                     lion of good.,
                 1911- 12 .   .12 6       17 0       tranj;ortcd to !
                                                     Shiran, have been I
                 Rates for general cargo to India remained   estimated at
              firm at 10 rupees (13*. id.) per ton of 40 c. ft.
              or 20 cwts.
                 Dit-'s weakened slightly from Rs. 15—17 to
              Rs. 15 —13 per package.               and as regards 1910-11, whereas 10,025 tons may
                                                    be said to represent goods normally capable of
               Skins Rs. 25 per ton of 20 cwts "    consumption in the interior, information actually
               Cotton Rs. 2 to 2-4-0 per bale       collected from all principal forwarding merchants
               Rosewater Re. 1 per case   • remained the   in Bushire gave a total of 5,90b tons. A ^further
               Opium to Hongkong Rs. 25 per   same as in   1,000 to 2,(m0 tons may he added for goods not
                                 chest   1910-11.   covered by this information and for forwarding*
                 Considerable interest has been awakened by   by petty traders.
               Ertaomie Dcrrl jpment.: the announcement of pro-   (tV) On the other hand, the export trade of
                   IUilW'ija   jects for concessions for a  Southern Persia is, as regards interior rcduvvJ
              Trans-Persian railway, and for a line from   to 6uch produce as will repay the price of transport
              Monammerab on the Persian Gulf through Are-  to the coast. Gr iin and most seeds acd berf <*
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