Page 324 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
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                 ind as replacing the Shiraz * rente. A very differ­  The actual figures for 1911-12  •were:—
                 ent situation was, however, created in 1911-12,
                .when caravans on the Ahwaz road became equally   Imports: £932,531. Exports: JtrCO^Oao
                 exposed to depredations and forwarding arrange­  Compared with previous years :—
                 ments on botli hopelessly congested.                    Imports.  KiporU.
                   From September 1910 onwards the telegraph              C        C
                 route—the ordinary caravan route—between Shiraz   1992  . 1,179,995   31’.20J
                 and Ispahan was very unsafe owing to the presence   1903  .   S70.r03  3J*;ac«
                 of robbers, an«l became practically closed. Weekly   1901  .   8 SO,? 23  *•51,931
                 reports from March to June 1911 were monotonous   IPOS  .   701,931  4C9.930
                 in saying i—                              1905-07.      863.812  693,121
                  ** No caravans, unsafe, practically no traffic,   1907-03.   . 1,052.013   497,990
                 little traffic, posts, no traffic ** and in July "prac­  1905-09.  793.106  432,593
                 tically des-Tt^d."                        1909- 10.     717.091  400.892
                   During June to August, when the presence of   1910- 11.  675,014  3U5.950
                 the Kashgai nomads along the Sarhad route afford­  1911- 12.  .  932,531   069.020
                 ed safeguards f*’r traffic, but to a less extent than
                 in 1911 owing to the political situation at Shiraz,   The increase of £256,917 in imports would in­
                 some 3,000 head of transport were reported to have   doubt be in itself remarkable, if it were not for
                 passed either up or down country. The condition   the fact that it represents very largely goo<J,
                 of the road deteriorated after September 1911,   " dumped ” into the country, and not
                 hut greater use was made of it, no douht because   consumption in the interior. The increase cann.I;
                 of the worse state of the Ahwaz-Ispahan road :   be regarded as a healthy sign any more than it
                 and during the winter of 1911-12, up to March   could be said of a man with appendicitis, wh-.
                 only, a fair number of caravans passed.  pertook of an extra heavy meal, that he wa3 in a
                   On the other hand the Ahwaz-Ispahan road has   fair way of health.
                 been handicapped bv three chief factors :—Snow,   Articles showing increase were:—Cotton pioc^
                 Kuhgelu robbers, and a growing insufficiency of   goods £159,359 : Specie (chiefly Krans brought
                 transport. R -ports received gave the following   back from India and Turkey in order to finance
                 results :—                           purchases of grain in the coast port?) £33,931
                   Scarcity of transport is shown in the fact that   aud Bank-notes .£10,1-5*0: Loaf-sugar £18,458.
                 at the end of April 191. there were 4,9S2 pack­  The year's imports would indeed have resemlUd
                 ages awaiting transport at Ahwaz : in June 6,000   those for 1909-10 very closely had in not been J/r
                 animals were needed.                 the excessive quantities of piece-goods.
                     From May 6th to Juno 17th, 1911    Expressed in terms of weights:—
                      (I J mouths) .     . No transport.                           Ten*.
                     Frora Jair 22nd to November 11th
                      (11 months) .     . Suspension of   Import* fer 19DS-09   . 16,931
                                          forwardings ow­   »     1909-10   .   . 16,404
                                          ing lo Kuhgeln    .     1910-11       . 13,879
                                          robl)<*i* and ex­              .
                                          tensive pi and fir­  .   1911-12      . 16,697
                                          ing e* rvute.
                     From December 23rd to March      and almost the entire increase of 1911-12 on tin
                      16th, 1912 (3 month*) .   . Rood blocked bj  previous year is represented by—
                                          scow.                                     Tons.
                  In October and November 1911, muleteers were   Piece-good*         727
                 refusing to use the road owing to cholera at   Loaf-sugar        .  1,147
                 Ahwaz: From December to March 1912, there   Exports for 1911-12 showed an increase of
                 were between 3,000-5,000 packages awaiting down­  £320,070 on those of 1910-11, and are the on
                 ward transport, owing to scarcity of mules. Traffic   satisfactory feature of the year : articles that
                to and from Ishapan on the Ahwaz road is stated   showed ;ncrease being :—Opium £192,302 (wbicb
                 to have-been;—-
                                                      however, owing to its high declared value, meat*
                                    Up-country. Down.  an increased weight exported of only 69 Tons):
                                      Tom.   Tod*.    Wheatand Barley £119,160 : Almonds £22,164:
                     1910           . 1,316   382     Gums £16,826.
                     1911  (*. «„ •xcluiiv* of          Of these, grain entirely and • gums largely,
                      3 month*—December is
                      Much 1912)       660    370     produce of the littoral, where the question of the
                                                      insecurity of the caravan routes does not arise. «.
                  IT.B.—Tbc*« Cgure* represent forwarding* bj the Company
                managiog the rc*d; Independent forwarding* by Persian   Of the £932,531, value of Imports, the propor­
                trader* are itated by competent authority to be a similar  tion assigned to the United Kingdom rose fr0R)
                toaeftitj.                            42 per cent, to 44-5, that of India falling fro™
                  Perusal of the above statement of disastrous   36 per cent, to 31, the total proportion of Britn
                                influences affecting foreign  Imports, 76 per cent., being thus over 2 per ccn
                  Volune of Tn-1*.                    lower than in 1910-1L
                               trade with Southern Persia   ----------- -------------  -------
                during ^ March 1911-12 will prevent any raisap- Belgian Imports, as a result of heavy cons»F«’
                prehensions to the effect that there Las been a ment of sugar, ro?o nearly 3 per cent. * r
                recovery in trade during that period and remove  proportion enjoyed by Franc- .and Gcrrnanj
                agy hasty inferences from the fact that imports  diminished by 3 and 2 per cent, respectively. J
                were assessed by the Customs as £273,051 above I small imports from the Dutch East Indies
                those of the previous year, 1910-11..   showed an advance from £10,160 to £20,1)96.
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