Page 325 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 325

        In exports Iho proj-orlion of the values assigned   payment in rupees, (ii) Banking establishments to
         tLe United Kingdom rose from 3211 per cent.   keep accounts in rupees, and pay sterling drafts
       !° jht cent, while that of India fell conside-   in 'rupees, when desired.
       V fro!n 2$ per cent, to 13 per cent though the   Only one bankruptcy during tbe period under
       ri * j imports from India were £1 l-,b58 in excess   report was noted, but considerable anxiety
       *,f t i 's0   1910-11, uud the exports to India only  prevailed as regards merchants involved with the
         i i.' lc>s than in that year. China's share   P. r.jian Zoroastriau firms, whose credit was at one
        .•lus.’d from 8 to 17 percent, and that of   time seriously menaced owing to their embarrass­
       lieisviMy ^f001 *1 I,cr ccnt. to 10 percent.  ment. As security for mortgages and loans several
        •fjje aggr'galc proportion by value of tbe total   well respected firms had, for some years, been ac­
          of Uusbire, which lias been assigned to the   cepting landed properties in Central and Southern
       United Kingdom and India, has been of recent   Persia, but in the present state of affairs, not only
       yea-'*—                              do the inhabitants of these properties and dis­
                                    Tons.   tricts evade payment of land taxation, but the
         K05                          69    landlords and mortgagers decline with impunity
         1906-07                      62    to pay interest on loans.
         1007-OS                      77      The average monthly rates for Lank drafts on
         1503-09                      70    demand were:
         1000-10                      03
         1010-11                      70                         London.  Bombay.
         1011-13                      05
        Reaefitting by tbe increases affecting cotton-   191     Per £1.  Ter 100 IU.
                      goods, opium and grain,
        F;;»arial %:ta*‘:3n in              March                56        376
       He Gill Port*.  Customs revenue for the
                      Bushin; province amounted   April                    363
       to £-*6,503 (on which £S9,C31 duties), a 6ubstan-
       ti d increase on £61,22S for 1910-11.  May                S'i       370
        Revenue for the.Southern Provinces, comprising   June    5-11      366
       the whole cr the Persian Ports of the Gulf, was
                                            Ju’y                 53 5 8    359
       for 1-J11-12
                                     £      August               53 3 8    357
         EuiHrs Province          . 9J,^:-3   September          52 7 8    354
         E-ndar Abba*             . 37,508
         Arabi* xn .              . 64,303  October .            511       314
                                            November             61 3 8    3521
                                            December             61 5 8    352
        The distinguishing feature of the year vri< tbe
                      extreme shortage of coin in
        tV-Vir-g a ;•! «rcha:<ge.
                      Bushire, which made itself    1912.
       frit very much during the ru-b to buy grain in Oe-   January .   55J  3731
       tnter and November 1911, despite the large sums
       of Krans ia coin re-imported from India, whither   February .  54 7 8  364}
       they drift down from the provinces of Kborasan
       Jnd Scistan. This had the effect of bringing   March      55 1 8    370J
       deva exchange to an unnaturally low figure, for
       liras intending to buy grain, though they have to   The average for the year was approximately
       Qake payments in coin, are strangely improvident   54T0 Krans per £1, anl 362*92 Kraus per 100
       •° providing themselves with funds in advance.  rupees.
        Coin is also frequently diverted away from   Comparative rates of exchange of recent years
       Bushire by caravans of specie to Shiraz.  have been i
        It might be thought that a shortage of Persian
       fluency might lead to a large employment of                 Per £1. Per 100 B«.’
            which are always current in the Gulf Ports,   March 190 >07   55-50   374-15
          owing to dealings in rupees cash by brokers   „ 1907-08   61-25   343-19
       »ad Jewish money-changers the free circulation of   „ 1903-09   54-54   362-9*
       rJJ<es in the town is greatly hindered. The free   „ 1909-10   5616   376-87
       unMlution of rupees in the Gulf Ports is much to   „ 19*0-11   54-80   367-7*
       J* cvsired in the interests of British trade : a very   „ 1911-12  5410  362-9*
        . number of prices quoted far purchases and
       ^jaients to be made in ordinary life are inrupces^   This is one of the features of the uncertainty
        An unsuccessful attempt was made to get sellers   of business in Southern Persia, that in addition
       0 S^in at the small district ports to accept rupees   to an exchange, which can fluctuate as in 1911-12
          instead of Krans at a fixed rate ; down the   as much as 5 Krans (nearly 2 shillings per £1),
                                                           , MI" *
           in the diroction of Lingah, where dealings   discount rates on bills to the   interior, eg., tlu
         confined to Arab porta, rupees pass as the cur-   most important market for Bushirc-Shiraz. &r»
       v-n°*na^i*. ^‘ie   aad demand for, rupees  also very unsettled.
           {?r<J.*tly incrcas; were (i) British Agencies   In August 1910 rates on bills on Shiraz at 25
         ^;>bire to endeavour to «ell their goods against  days after date had risen to 0 per cent.
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