Page 332 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 332
Jt is difficult to foresee Low long the* Persian ta-«
1910 1011. : 1911-19:2. SUrllrjr cnnivil-nl*, for sugar in cones will continue, but whilst il 0
Kikim. Kr«u«. 11**1-1912. Belgian and Austrian sugar will hold the fieh] •
Southern Persia. *It is a matter of refinery tnn^V^
j nory more than any thing ’else. Hungarian eor '*
$. 4. «. d. i. d. «. (I
I ' (U. Z. J.), which are tmnshipjvd v\S Uonil 'S
lar.c* . . 19-11 i 4 0. area constant source of troul U», whVh reitio\-•
! 3-4 l 1, 1 Si ■ any periodical advantage in point of price, which
Prill* jvrjard I they may have over Belgian voncs: for they *
MuJiu. . . 0 90-015 0 4, 0 3J, 0 4{. badly packed, and oat of every consignment »
large number of cones are brokm, whilect-rlilitat.^
Otnre (10 } for shortages iu weight prove another bone of
jarJ*) . <1-5 1 7t, 1 01. contention.
Itx\l Twill* ! .. Prices for Belgian 31. T. Loaf-sugar we?*
(50 j *rd*,. 30-37 low during the greater part of If 11-12, and cocld
l.l.vk T »ill* not compare with th? 7770 Krans oltaic^J
(50 yard..) . Kl-50 55-50- 20 0. 20 4}. 15 11, i during 1910-111. Per bag of 30 corns, or .It
.V’-Se— ' IS 2i. 19 7J. I
34. kilos, sales were made at oG-G7-7U-G:> Kran?
(=23r. "id., 24#. 4rf., 2.)#. 5*/., 21 j. i|i), The
rarj'lf Twill* i I tendency is to order corn's of 1*50 kilos more tt-n
v 50 yard*; . 70--41— 1 11 2i. 14 10J.14 C§,
40—37 13 5). ' ]*l;0 kilos.
Rid Mull* Hungarian U. Z. J. comma ndid slightly higher
(00 \ hr Is) . 30—32 31—32 - 12 4| 11 7L 10 11, • prices: Krans 72-156-07-70 (=*2C#. id., 24#.
30—23 ’ 10 Of. 21#. id., 2c#. 5rf.)
Purple Mill* ; Marseilles sugar is not sold retail iu«Bush:re.
yards). 31—32'34-3> - | 12 4J. io ll, 9 li, but is all forwarded uj»-country, where tas:-#
I 25—>3 10 1L are different to the littoral wholesale prices in
Rod and j»ur- I . Bushire were quoted at Krans 4 (1#. 5</.J to 4{*i
j»l»* Du'w’in 1 (1#. 7d.) and fell 4*25 (la. On.) by March Is-I2
l GO vi:\b). : 25—M 30—:*— 10 11, 9 5., 9 9|, for 75 lbs.
: 27—LS 9 5j. *
Tin port of crystal sugar remained jractieaVv
Chocolate Da* 1 stationary at 2*210 to;.*, far the greatest port:*n
I a'ir« v00 1 of which was formed 1 r
yards). . 1 23-r? 29-3*3- 10 Cl, 10 11. 10 2\m Crystal-Sugar.
29. E. A_ K. G. crystils, but -;th
j tons of British refined crystals were landed, and 23
BUck Italians tons of Java sugar is coted in the Customs figerrs.
per y ard 3 30-323 3 CO- 4-‘ 1 3J. I 5j, 1 1,
3-1- j 0 1L ; though an additional quantity is masked under
J the import rid India.
Crimp* (CO
>*:d*) 45 ! 51—45— • IS—6j, 16 ti, 16 82. Prices of this Austrian brand referred to rang J
I 4£_SS • 12 4J. ■ according to stocks in the bazaar from Krans l
Ls-r.rfb Print? 34-35 33 ’ 12 0. - (1W.) to 3*50 (15*7) to 3 70 (lGr/.) and 4 Kr.;:s
. j (17*7.) per 7^ lbs. in March 1912. Enc'.i.-:*
crystals obtained nearly the same prices, and ar?
well liked as long as London prices are not t.«i
The import of 1911-12 com high.
pared with those of previous That the import of Sugar to the gulf is v- ry
years as follows ?— important will be seen from the following figures
for Loaf and Crystals combined during 1910-11 :—
190*07 7*216 31 as Vat packages landod ... 5,G!$
1907-08 4*001 Bandar A blot ... 85.514
1903-09 3-324 Lingab ... 12,132
1909- 10 4899 Bahialn ... 23,174
1910- 11 3 721
Buibire ** ... 144,4*3
1911- 12 4 868
Mobomrocrab and Absrax m ... 80.915
Basrah, Baghdad (1911) m ... 297,092
The distribution, according. to countries of 048,870. or
origin by the Customs returns, 1*6 probably more Total
nearly exact than in previous years* compared at least &O.COO tons.
with 1910-11, it shows from:— Of this quantity less than 2,500 tons was
British refining. Exactly half of the quant ty-
1910-1L • 1911-12. say *25,000 tons, entered Persia from the
j ports of the Gulf. On the other hand, the import
Ton*. Tori*.
Marseilles 1518 1*789 j from Russia to Persia is three times as much,
A i.lwttp 161*0 189:} j totalling G7,9G3 tons, loaf-sugar, and 10,39*2 tons
Kaaibarg . 160 OS crystal and powdered sugar in 1911-12.
Trirato . ■w 3l>7 553
j The central zone of Persia has since^ th*^
Belgian R, T. sugar has now the first j lace in * insecurity of the past live years been im-reasir*:-*
the demand fiom S>ulbcrzi Persia, and it is iu in- ! supplied with Russian sugar from the north,
creasing1 demand; it coinp-^:d a gr»al de«l of th.* whereas, in JUIM5-07, *2000-^,*H)0 tons of f :-lf
liau.tuig expuri in addilb/u to that cid Antwerp. went to Ispahan cut Mu-hi re, the Ispahan i#u***-