Page 336 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 336
Many or the following, exported in very smUll Persian poppyseed i« stated to fetch 5*. to In
quantities at the present time, would provide good per ton above'the Indian* product from Point *
business: and Calcutta. Price for the latter in lyjj •'
London was about 70*. per 377 lbs. En|;lJrth o'*
I Tom £•20 per ton English. Non-oleaginous matter* V
deducted from the price in London, and oth. *
"»rr oleaginous substances are counted half value, fo
cleaning before export from Persia is an import;*,,,
matter. *
lUu.r* 13C 33*20 Kran* Shiran,
por 124 1U. Bawun. Other oleaginous produce which is found
Sultana . M*imar.d 100 great profusiou in the mountains in the hintcrlai,d
ton* pro of Bushire:—
Aaaafstida 30 10-15 Krans Khoraaran Ahlul or small bitter almonds, which are pr<>.
per 7J lb*. and Tend duced by the same wild tree as Gum Insoluble
rid Fan and and before the season for Gum comes on,
largo growth
in Fan. late spring and summer. The small quantitit*
Almccda . 656 Ispahan 1.200 that come down to Bushire from Kazcrun are
tons.Shirac usually unshelled.
and Fan ISO
ton*. Mai Kulihvng berries, growing in clusters from
nland 100 large trees with a green husk, full of oil and of an
ton*. agreeable pungent odour (which they are said to
Cux^in K*d (not 42*51 Kram lose on being crushed) and with a tiny kernel.
a!a:cd separately). per 12-1 lb*.’.—Simikir berries, but larger, and
Foppyx-cd . 21*23 If ran* without the odour, or so much oil.
per 124 lbs.
Se^ane . . 30-20-26 Karenin, Colfon-tiU\—Is a silk-like substance, with
Kraus por Behbchan, very fine strands, extracted from large pods on
124 lb*. Far*. bushes growing in great profusion in some
Linked . 32-20-27 Bcbbchin. districts of the hinterland.
Kran* per
124 lbs. A few tons have been exported in the last year
B!a:c seed , * ah dan eh) 50-54 Kraus Ram Hormuz. ; or two.
••• i :
135 leprV^'^Sbi™. Zira, ' n A" products cannot be obtained in
lb*. i Ispahan Bushire itself, and while there is no demand m
! j 2,500 tons. the towns, there is no incentive to the peasantry
TVcoI 1-12 90-100 Kracs ArabiV an to bring them in. The only method of working
237 r.p^iOOO nP be b? SCDd,!ng.n°reian
j 5-i Kran* ] tow. Far* agents to the small towns and villages, whence
per 7} lbs. I 1,030 Iona. arrangements could be made by buying through
SViza (geo:) * ! f-lO-66-50-35 fBushire local traders and chiefs: in either case purchase
: per 20 Shiraz. • would have to be financed as produce was brought
; ■kina.
246 J 4 in to district centres.
, I 30-50-30-10
■ *25 ^r H. G. CHICK,
Skins (*heep)J L 20 .kina. Behbehan.
Commercial Adeiur
Bcscwater 189 Maimand 400
Iona, 10,000
8. 0. P. L Delhi.—No. 60 F. D.—1-5-11.-