Page 341 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 341


         , Principal Imports into Pushirc from all sources during the years 1900-10»
                             1910-11. and 1911-12— contd.

                                          Value.               Weiglit.
                                . 1909-10. j 1910*11.  1911*12. I 1909-10.  I  1910-11.  I  1911-12.
                                i                            !
                                   £      £      £      Tons.   Tons.  Ton*.
        ilarthcnwarc and Chinaware   1,012  2,250  5,5-15  28    78      03
        Printed matter             810    5,321  15,518    7     12      11
        Isdigo .   .              19,074  5,576  5,811    73     19      17
        Ail other colour* and paint*   !  -120  2S0  314   •I     5       7
        iJlasi ornaments and glassware   971   1,874  3,710  13 ’  20    33
        Window-glass               378 I 328      •108    15     15      20
                                i                            i
        Specie ....              82,319   55,778  S9.710 I
                                TABLE No. 2 (B).
           Principal JExports from Push ire during the years 1909-10, 1910-11 and

                                         Talnc.               Weight.
                                 1909-10.  !  1920-11.   1911-12. :  1909-10.   1910-11.  i  1911-12.
                                              i      '
                                :  £   i  c      £   :  Ton< . Tons.  T«rs.
                                                     ; Number. Number. Number.
        Horses and foal*          2,1 £9  .1,270  1,501  :  251  333    ios
        Wheat                        1   15,613  93.S72 j      2,572  11,738
        Bar’ej   .   .              77    1,952   :  23.2S3 !  12  615  J  7,278
                                              i                     1
        0:her grain               1,113  2,8 JG  5/-2S   130  i  218 |   429
        iMes .   .                1,995   1,719  1,713   28S  i  341    297
        Almonds ar.d pistachios  44,630   27.9S7  50,151  627    371    656
                                              :              I
        Raisins                   2,0-57   4,-535  :  2,182  123  289 I [  133
        Rosewater .             I  6.S04   6,323  I  3,790  342  : i  372 i  I  189
                                I             1
        Assafuotida .             6,644   8,341  i  3,356  68  ! i  76 |  30
        Other drugs .             6,174   6,103  4.317   392     390  I  266
                                                             i      I
        Spires .   .              1,173    181  i  498    72  i   7 i    26
                                I             I
        Gum Insoluble             11,531   21,104 j 26,737   929  1,539 .  '  1.367
        Gam Traga-anth            66,892   72,336   86,579  589  063 |   787
        Cotton, raw               8.S58   5,130   7.807  231     138    185
        Wool, raw .             :  6,993   4,898   4,747  142    125 :  142
        Carpels, woollen         03.913   55,329   62,032  202   189    202
                                i      ■
        0]«UIB .                 117,32i   53,732   216,035  86  37     106
        Siin*, raw              ' 22,419   !  12,163   12.1S9  484  2C5 :   245
                                ;                                   I
        Tobacco unmanufactured    11,713  ; i  6,023   7.077  617  247 , i  237
         ' ■‘gctablo subitimcoi   i  70;   384    909     CO      8 :
                                1                                   i     9
        Specis .                '   4,113  |  25,210  8.9 U
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