Page 344 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 344

                 Imports from the (liferent countries in the Port of Busjiirc during the gears
                   1010-11 and 1911-12t as classified according to Persian Customs—contcL

                                              1010-11.  1911-12.  19I0-1L   1911-12.

                                                £         C       Ton*.     Ton*.
                Coal and Charcoal—
                   India                        1,211     3,107      2-33      551
                   United Kingdom                390                 Ml
                   Other countrios.               11        10         2         i
                                   Total        1.621 |   3,207 |    401       554
                Butter, etc.—
                   India                          94       29G        1          3
                   Other countries.                5        11

                                   Total          99       307 |       1         3
                Cocoa and Chocolate-
                   United Kingdom                 28        13
                   India                          24        10
                   Other countries.                         8      • H

                                   Total          52        31 j
                  Germany                                   22
                   India                          15        6
                  Other conntrics.                 1        7
                                   Total          16 |      35

                Rica Shelled—
                   India                       11,299    14,224     1.018 j
                  Other countries.                49        18        5          1

                                   Total       11,348    14,242     1.0?3 |   1*157
                  India                           3         29                   5
                  Other countries                 6         29        1          (
                                   Total          9         68        1         H

                Barley and Oats                   29        7         6          2
                Othor grain—
                  India .                        665       921        70        93
                  Ttrlcey ,                       91       442        23        65
                                   Total         766      1.3C3       93       158
   339   340   341   342   343   344   345   346   347   348   349