Page 347 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 347



           Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushire during the ycart
              1010-11 and 1011-12, classifced according to Persian Customs— contd;

                                          1910-11.  1911-11.  1910-11.  191M1.

                                           L        £         Tons.     Ton*.

           Salt                                8         3                   1
              Belgium                       12,44-1   41.9S9      WO       1;896
              Franca                        50.3J7    38.G20    2,107      1,789
              German/ .                     10,220    13,236     cac        C08
              Austria .                     G.4GG     11,706      213       003
              Egypt                                    4 15                 21.
              India                           10        25                   1
              United Kingdom                3. ISO                139
                              Total         87,oJ 3  10 >,131   3,721      4,868
              India .                       28,123    15,558     1,500      9-17
             German/ .                      7,847     9.029       ICO       659
              A rut ri a- Ilungar/                    S.G03                 355
              United Kingdom                3,020     2,725      2G9        159
              Dutch Indict                             500                  25
              Cassia .   .                             282                  194
             Bahrain .   .                             140                   7
             Franca .   ,                    GOO                  30
             Belgium .                        70                   5
                              Totia        40.200     30,812    2,251     2,246
             India                           230       193         4         4
             United Kingdom                   61        66         .1        1
             Other coon trio*                 10        12
                              Total          291       2J0         5         6.

             Dutch Indies .                 8,977    18,857       CO       133
             India .   ,                   20,607    11,079      163       ill
             China                          2,425     6,946       19        33
             Other countries                  7         40                   3
                              Total .      31,916    36,702      242      . 278.
           Heat: dried, salted, and preserved—
             India ....                       41       130                   1
             United Kingdom ,                 66        88                   1
             German/ ,    ,   .               3         64                   1
             Othor countries ,                6         17
                              Total          115       2S9
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