Page 351 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 351

Import 8 from the different countries in the Tort of Bush ire during the years
              1010-11 and 1011-12, as classified according to Persian Customs — contd.

                                          1910-11.  1011-12.  1010-11.  1011-12.

                                           £         £         Ton*.     Ton*.
           Cvtlor. * urn-
              India                        13,510    14,100      142       140
              United Kingdom                1.9S5     2,970       12        19
              Germany .                       CO       333         1         4
              Turkey .                                 105                   1
              Other countries.                11        12

                              Total        15,001    17.735      155       170
           Tissues of cotton—
              United Kingdom              2.36.SC5   3,59,410   1,351     1,859
              India                        59,2$9    93,457      •101      009
              Germany .                      836      2,747        2        14
              3ikra\u .                     1,157     1,575       7         12
              Turkey .                       273      1,037        1         5
              Patch Iudies                  1,172      705        11         6
              Franco                         ICO       162                   1
              Buisia                         370        30        2
              OtLor countries                          121

                              Total       3.CO.U5   4,59,213    1.778     2.506

           Cotton Tulles —
              India                          243       202
              United Kingdom                  3        207

                              Total          231       409                   1
           Othir tissues of cotton—
              United Kingdom                594        781        1          1
              India .   .                    356       350        l          1
              Germany .                                42
              Turkoy                         15        18

                              Total         905       1,191       2         2
           Wool, raw—
             Bahrain .                      308        176       10         6
           Woollen yarn—
             Unitod Kingdom                 595       1,027       2         3
             India •   .                    376       6S5         1         2
             Germany                         82       330                   1
                              Total        1.053     2.042        2         6

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