Page 355 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 355

Imports from the different countries in the Port of Pasture during the years
            JO 10-11 and 1911-12, as classified according to Persian Customs— contd.

                                        1910-11.  1911-12.  1910-11.  1911-12.

          Ships and beats —              £         e     :  Ton*.     Tons.
             India                           4        30 :
             United Kingdom                           11

                             Total           4        4-1
          Paper for printing or writing—
            India                          713      l/XUS       20        31
            United Kingdom                 117       351 ;       3        13
            Gormany .   .                  531 :     31G I      11        13
            Austria .                                 70                   3
            Turkey .                        •10       30                   1
            Belgium .                                 30
            Franco                          33 i        l

                             Total        1,107 : I  1.803 !    31        CO
          Fsporwara —
            India                          129 |     201 :       1         3
            United. Kingdom                13G       131         1         1
            Other countries                 2         5
                             Total         267       337         2         3
            India                           •16 }     2S
            United Kingdom                  87        is ;
            German/                                   6 : \
            Bossia                                    6 i
            Franca                          4          i |
                             Total         137 , ■    57 ;
          Skins: raw, driod—
            India                         1,032     1,967        9        20
            Bahrain .                      7S5       3-10       21         9
            Turkey .                        4        101                   2
            Kuwait .   •                     1        89                   3
            United Kingdom                  60
                             Total        1,882 )   2.497 j     30        33
          Slrins, dyed and Tarnished—
             India .                       345       747         1         f
             United Kingdom                           32               •••
             Turkey .   ..   .              16         1

                             Total         361 \     730         1         2
   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360