Page 358 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 358

Imports from the different countries in the Port of JO it shire during the years
                      1010-11 and 1911-10, as classified according to Persian Customs—concIcL

                                                  1910-1.   1911-12.  1910*1 L  1911-1*.

                                               I   £         £        Tons.      Tor*.
                       United Kingdom .        i      101      239         7         17
                       India •   .   •                •15       29         2         1
                       German/   .                   123                   6
                       0:hcr coon trie*   .                     40                   a

                                       Total         323        <03       14        20

                    Mirrors, unframed                  I        15
                       India    t                    2*32      2S4
                       United Kingdom                224        16
                       Belgium .   ,                  46

                                       Total         522       SCO I

                    Opium                                        9
                       India                        49,539    61,341
                       Turfccj .                    6,239     27,529
                       Bahrein .                               750
                       Muscat .                                 90

                                       Tota         oo,7 7 S  £9,710 j

                                              Table No. 3 (B).

                    From the port of Pushire to different countries during the years 1010-It,
                                  1011-12, as classified by the Persian Customs.
                                                  1910-11.  1911-12.  1910-11. I 1911-11.

                                                    £         £       Number.   Number.
                       Horses .                      4,279     1,561      385       106
                       Oxen                           20        10         10        7
                       Sheep and goats                84        196       324       673
                       Other animals .                146       191
                                                                       Tons.     Tons.
                     Wood, for building                4        18                   S
   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363