Page 361 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 361

         Exports from the port of Bushirc to different countries during the years
                1010-11, 1911-12, as classified by the Persian Customs—contd-

                                       1910-11.  1911-11   1910-11.  1911-12.

                                         £         £        Tons.     Too*.
            Loaf-sugar                    243        185       10         8
            Soft and Crj*ta!-*ugar        434       501        22        31
            Sweet*                         48        35         1         1
            India .   .   .              4,233     2,311       2-18      112
            Bahrain .                    1.3G1      1,202      83        62
            Other countrio*               731       277        42         15

                            Total        G.323     3,790       372       159
            India                        6,805     2,750       Go         26
            United Kingdom                1,536      500       11         4
            Bahrain .                                16

                            Total        8,311      3,356      76         30

         Drugs noUspociGod—
            India                        3.4SI     1,831       273       132
                                          136       819        13        40
            Bahrain .                     773       611        58        45
            Kuwait .                                            7
                                           132      215                   11
            Aden                           40       211         1         2
            United Kingdom                  8        174                  8
            Maakat .                       19        186        S         16
            France                                   100                  1
            Oman                           41        91         1         8
            Turkey .                      209        29        12         2
            Other oountrieu               314                  22
                            Toth,         6,153     4,317      389       266

         Gum, insoluble—
            India                        15,488    10,287      991       540
            United Kingdom               7,582      8,872      473       431
            Germany                        131      6,439       8        280
            Belgium .                      901      1,735      66         97
            France .   .                    2        404

                            Toth         2-1,101   26,737     1,638     1,367
   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364   365   366