Page 362 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 362
Exports from the port of JBushire to different countries during the gears
1010-11, 1911-12, as classified hy the Persian Customs—contd.
Jf.O-ll. 1911-12. 1910-11. 1911.12.
£ £ Ton*. Torn.
Gun Tragacanth—
Unitod Kingdom 41.3G5 40.725 301 439
Gcmuinj . 9,058 16,732 S3 144
United St atoi . G.G2S 10,313 03 101
Eelgiura • G.5SG 5.304 73 55
Russia 3,006 1G
Franco • . 1,926 l.SoS 19 15
Anitria-IIungarj 61G 1,110 5 11
India 3,292 G15 27 6
Otbor couulrio* 15 1
Total 72.386 86,579 063 787
Keroja S9 33 10 4
Ycgetablo oils 42 00 3 2
Animal product* 595 1*56 15 14
Oyster «holl* S3 19
Torioiso *bcl!i 34
Clothing 105 276
Iron manufacture* G2 G9 3
Copper manufactures 144 72
Tin in plates 6
Mineral proluct* not specified 9 9 23 1
Stone* worke-l and unworlccd 60 8 2 36
Silver and silver manufactures 32 5
Baw cotton—
India • . 4,210 7,003 110 1G9
Bahrain . 1,079 572 25 11
United Kingdom G6 1
Germany 65 2
Oman . . 1 64 1
Kuwait . • 37 1
Turkey . , 110 3
Total 6,430 7,307 133 186
Cotton jam 49 1
Cotton times 1,327 291 & 3
Wool, raw—
Unitod Kingdom 4,777 4,016 121 122
India 109 716 4 20
Othor countries 12 16
Total' 4,898 4,747 125 143