Page 357 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 357
Imports from the different countries in the Port of JB:: shire during the years
1010-11 and 1011-12, as classified according to'Persian Customs—contd.
1010-11. ’ 1911-11. 1910-11. 1911-11.
£ £ Ton*. Ton*.
Soap, perfumed—
India . • 58 65
Germany 4 20
United Kingdom 26 II
CHl:or countrico 1 l
loap, other—
India 1S5 310 8 13
United Kingdom So 56 1 a
Russia , SI 1
Total 211 40) 9 16
Tobacco, unmanufactured . 29 31
Tobacco, manufactured—
India ZD7 271 1
United. Kingdom 55 S3
Russia 2 33
German/ II 63
Turkey 12 13
Egypt . 9 11
Other countrico 16 7
Total 312 iSo 1
Dyes, Indigo—
India O 3.S36 4,115 13 12
German/ 1,750 1,723 6 5
Total 5,576 5,8-14 19 17
Taints, dyes and varnishoi, all other—
India . o 143 255 3 6
German/ ; . 32 25
Turkey . • , . 36 25 1 2
United Kingdom , , , 69 9 1
Total 280 314 6 7
Vegetable substances 29 334 1 26
Russia . . 315 1,493 4 It
India SS5 654 16 10
Gorman/ 352 207 S 2
United Kingdom 247 131 2 S
Franc* • , 67 141 1
Other countries 8 25
Total 1,874 2,710 24 39