Page 348 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 348
Imports from the (liferent countries in the Port of Bushire during the year
1010-11 and 1011-12 as classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
3910-11. I31MI wio-ii. 1911-13L
£ £ Tons. Ton*.
Drug* ar.l medicinal—
India . 4.131 1.IH
United Kingdom 1.212 1,033
(lonr-an/ 520 2?9 countries 18 198
Total 3,931 0,011 j
Spices— :
India 3. UG 7,183 63 150
Otter countries 73 20-3 4
Total 3,2.9 i 7,110 63 154
Gaioshos I 17 Pair 120
Oil cloth—
India 142 51 1 l
United Kingdom 5
German/ 12
Total 154 0-3 | 1 1
Rubber and rubber manufactures 4 2
India 2,110 5,021
United Kingdom 391 193
Turlce/ 20 115
German/ . 35
Belgium . 5 55
Otter countries . 54 23
Total 22)15 5,511
United States . 1J 67 5.137 137 570
Russia i.8ii j 132
German/ . 3416 678 3G6 72
India 55 • 6
Total 4,513 7.5SI | 603 839
Mineral oils not specified 1C8
Musical and scientific Instruments—
India 12 130
Russia 72
United Kingdom 92 23
Other countries, 2
Total 106 224