Page 345 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 345
Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bu shire during the years
1010-11 and 1011-12, as classifcd according to Persian Custonis-^-ccmtd-
1910-11. 1911-12. . 1910-11. 1911-12.
£ £ Tons. .Tons
United Kingdom 37 43 1 1
India ■ 37 23 1
Other countrioi 1
Total 75 66 2 1
India 1.3SO 1,033 118 135
Russia 4 123 7
Other co-utriei 1 1
* 1^
Total 1,385 | 1,702 113 142
M^aroni and Tcrmicolli—
Russia 18
Unitod Kingdom 15 10
India 4 ! 5
Total 19 | 33
Biscuits and gingerbread—
United Kingdom 81 98 1 1
India 47 91 1 1
Russia 25 l
Franca • 14
Total M2 | 212 2 3
Alimentary preserves—
India 44 49 I
Unitod Kingdom 50 20 1
Qormany . 17
Othor countries 3 1
Total 97 87 1 1
Turkey . 633 706
Bahrain • 71 34
Oman . 174 7
Kuwait • 7
Total 785 747
Oranges and citron*—
Msilcat . ffejS 624 C36 16 17
Other countrios 10
Total 624 CIO 16 17